Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little Speck

Sometimes I feel like a little speck on this earth
When we think what is going on in our lives is so big
I try to picture myself as a little dot on the huge map of this world
I picture myself, my family, my issues
and then go out just a bit
and look at the neighborhood and what everyone around me has going on
taking it a step further to this state, country, and on and on
Then, my issues don't seem as big
I know there is so much good going on in this world
but there is also so much bad
As I sit here and foster a little doggie
I know their are thousands more that need a home
to live
As I sit here and try to be the best mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend
I look around and always see how someone else
is doing just a little bit better
I know that this one life that I am saving
is enough
I know the wife, mom, sister, daughter and friend I am
is from the heart
and it is enough
I want to always give my best
that there is always someone out there that has it worse
and always someone out there that has it better
I have to say though
even with the hard times
It is hard to imagine someone having it better
I feel like I have it made
Even in the bad times
good things have come out of them
Today I got to pick Bo up from school early because he was sick
and he greeted me with the biggest hug ever
and told me I was beautiful
We played alot of Toy Story Yahtzee
it was fun
Samantha and I laughed so hard we cried in her bed tonight as we
listened to a funny story
I could see a glimpse froward of fun times ahead
just laughing
being together
just us girls
I had so much fun with Baylen
as he ate his cereal in my lap this morning
Watching Jamie jump on Bo's bed
to go to sleep
Yes, I think we are doing alright
As long as I remember
that I am indeed just a little speck
and there are so many things going on around me
so that I will be more apt to be considerate of what is going on in other lives
I will be fine
It is all about perspective
It is all about joy
Thank you God
for my many blessings for today
Please help me know
that even though I want to do say and be all
that what you have called me to be ,,,do,,, and say today
is enough
It's the little things in life
it really is
I am learning to enjoy them more
I always thought I did
but I really am now....
Family and Friends
that is all a girl like me needs...

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