Saturday, January 7, 2012

Life Lessons

We learn new lessons everyday
some more important then others
but we do indeed learn
We can choose to either take these lessons
and use them
or forget them
Here are a few things
that I have learned lately
I love my husband
this may sound odd
of course I love my husband
but I really know I love my husband
we all know we are suppose to love our spouse
and we feel that we are in love with them
But now
I am compelled to say
that as cheesy as it may sound
he completes me
When I am around him
he makes me feel
more secure
then anything else
ever could
I am so proud
to be his wife
I am so proud
he is the father
of my children
He is so strong
so kind
so real
If others knew
his heart
they would be so jealous
that he is mine
Grammy did good
so good
she raised a boy
that I have fallen in love with
and has become the best daddy
She was so proud of him
and told me often
my goal this year
is to make sure
he knows
how much I love him
I have to give credit to his dad too
He is just like him
like I have said before
I am so blessed
to be a part of that family
and to have a family of my own
that I love so much
It is all I need
to be surrounded by love
what a lucky girl I am
My house is a wreck
but I don't care
We have Christmas up still
but that is fine
I have bills to pay
workouts to be made
people to call
Races to plan
Mail to be sorted
Calendars to be looked over
toys to be put away
laundry to be washed
dishes to be unloaded
cars to be cleaned out
but you know
it is okay
that all will be here tomorrow
and we never know
if the ones we love
I know this does not mean
we should not do our daily task
But what it does mean
is that we should never let our daily task
trump what is important
rocking our babies to sleep
whispering I love you in a loved ones ear
pausing for that extra long hug
Looking at someone and really listening
to what they have to say
Writing that note
calling that person
saying thank-you
all the other stuff needs to be done
but lately
I have learned
that we can't take all of that with us
so does it really matter
if all of the "Stuff" is perfect
what does matter
is that we love
and are loved
the rest will get done
it really will
I enjoyed being with family tonight
I really did
even though
I was so sad
I looked around
and knew that there was much to be happy about
so much
Missing Grammy
missing her so much
Bo woke me this morning saying he was making
a jet pack to fly up to heaven
Phoebe and Samantha are painting
their nails
in a color Grammy would like
If we could only have faith like a child
Sometimes we need to be more like kids
they love deep
have faith
and focus on what really is important...
Feeling blessed to be loved
by so many

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