Tuesday, November 27, 2012

so this week was full of some AMAZING shots
no room for blogging my thoughts
I got lots to say tomorrow...
but for now...
here is Monday's picture roll
a day late
they are beauties if I say so myself!
Can you say the cutest things EVER!
I walked in briefly to get something and I came  back to this
not prompting
They were sitting on the bench in Riley and Walkers garden
and Baylen arm was around Hudson
I wish I knew what they were talking about
Best Bud's
Samantha is so sweet when she wants baylen to come in her room and play
He was very proud of the design that he made
what is sweeter
that he wants to do whatever Samantha wants him to do
Or the fact that Samantha lets him play with her stuff?
Lazy Saturday morning
there is something cozy about sweats and a pair of socks!
Thanksgiving day
playing Buzz and Woody with Pat Pat
she has not changed a bit
Love that Baylen is getting to have fun times with her
brings back many memories
Can't believe everyone is looking...and it was so painless!

four generations
Samantha Mom
Mommys Mom
MeMes Mom
Got it :)
Very excited to be a Dawg fan
waiting to see if we can win it all
Loved these leaves
They are precious

Kevin getting ready to be Clarke Griswold
He said he needed his 22 oz dew in his Dew Goblet to get the job done!
So glad I had my camera handy at 7:40 am
in the Walmart parking lot
while Baylen was sporting footy pj's
insisting that Woody was seated
right next to him
He even got a cookie from the bakery!
Love Love Love
watching the kids go through all the Christmas catalogs and putting their names on the pictures
Love to watch them believe and get so excited
Ryan our elf is BACK
The first night he wrote this on the bathroom mirror
He is on the light fixture above the mirror
and Yes that is my belly that did not seem to make it out of the picture
And then the next night
a mean transformer trapped him under a cup!
Bo decided to leave him a mint to take to Santa
that was SO sweet and cute
I could not resist taking a picture of Samantha
she looked so cute all the way to her boots and bow
I love how Baylen wanted to jump right into the picture!
Baylen had a blast this morning
He was so busy just playing and playing
Here he was giving Woody and Grinch a bath
I love how it looks like the Grinch is looking at Woody like
I am so not okay with this
and his arm even looks like it is hanging on for dear life
Baylen and I enjoyed our hot co-co as he says....
Love a morning with no where to go
with My Bay Bay
I would be lieing if I did not own up to some last few weeks cravings
there is just something about salty and sweet
and by the way I have only done this two times
okay three
but that is IT
the other times I just get a slushy or shake :)


Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Memories in Motion

I am putting my feet up
and letting out a deeeeeep breath
Thank the Lord Kevin came home for an early night....7:00
First in a very long while
and it was amazing to watch his patience with baylens
on and on and on demands
lasted about ahhhh
a minute
thank goodness Sam and Bo were on their A game
or their may have been a small
at 145 Parkway Drive
and thank goodness Piper had not dug anything up today
Well I don't want to think about it..
I have had one of those days that I have really reflected on
while I have been at stop lights in the car
It really was an amazing day....
But first I must paint a picture.....
We started the day at the peditrition for Bo's check up
which during the entire visit Baylen was grabbing my chin saying
I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home
and yes
and over
and over
I swear that child is a broken record
it is like he gets stuck and he will not let up
really he will not
So if that was not enough
I got to surprise the three of them with......
Flu shots
they were thrilled
So then off to the playgroud
Which I thought would be good
But the three of them at the playgroud
Not so much
Bo wanted to play zombie and scare the you know what out of Sam and Bay
which were not into it at all
So instead of hearing
I wanna go home over and over
Here I heard
Bo Stop
BO Stop
over and over and over
The highlight was when Bo ripped his shirt off and did a lap around the track
only stopping for chin ups
and then Baylen wanted to join in
only to stop half way around the track
at its furthest point to yell
get me
get me
So I did
and our journey contined to the orthadontist
Which my luck had some older grandmoms in the waitning room
which did not seem at all interested in my brood
and gave me that look I have gotten
many times with three kiddos
and a belly
So as they were on and off the couch and fighting over the tooth chair
I decided to get them some hot chocolate
which was a bad choice since it was SOOOOO HOT!
Baylen did not understand
and so we went again
I want some
Its too hot honey
I want some
its too hot honey
and on and on
until he proceeded to pull it out of my hands
and yes
it went all over the sofa
moving on
we were called back to a very little room
with nothing in it by very breakable things
like models of teeth
and sharp things
So as they were telling me about the thousands of dollars it was going to take to fix
Samanthas teeth
Bo was using the stool to spin around and around and around
as he opened every drawer asking
whats that
whats this
and putting things on his head
and I would calmly say
Bo sweet honey love bug
lets not do that
And then Baylen
oh bless his heart
was on a new phrase
perhaps the worse of the day
mommy I need new diaper
new diaper
new diaper
new diaper
as if the new scent that has just appeared in the room
had not made us all aware
I had to excuse myself for a moment
from three doctors
to go and take care of buisness
if I could do it over again
I would not take two boys between the ages of 2 and 6 to a orthadotist consultation
on a posisitve note
we did make it through
only for Samantha to tear up in the parking lot
about everything that was talked about
she was not in the slightlest phased about how here brothers acted
she was more concerend with what was said
the money it was costing
the surgery
the cranks
and all the other strange words they were using that she did not understand
but knew could not be good
I realized that I had not yet really digested all of that
since I was consmued by
thing one and
thing two
did I mention that my pants were way too tight at the waist band and I swear they were cutting off circulation to the babies head
we calmed down and we moved on and we delieved thanksgiving food to the needy
which put things in perspective
which it always does
and then I came home
and sat for a moment
and read an update from the little girl Samamthas age battleing cancer
that is not doing well
and is in lots of pain
which put things into perspective
and then I saw on the news that the little boy that had a limb fall on him
was responding but still had tubes in him and a long road ahead
which put things into perspective
as I was wallowing in the dollar signs
and the uncomfortableness that I feel
and the patience that was being tested
I found myself smiling and really thinking what a wonderful day it really was
That I crave taking care of so many
and seeing how far my patience really will go
becuase I know in a blink of an eye
I will have no more braces to pay for
Boy that climbs the walls like Spiderman
Diapers to change
or pokes in my belly
I will just have a super clean house
that stays that way
because no one will come through to wreck it
and that will make me VERY sad
even if it sounds nice for a moment
Was today a good day
why yes it was
it was life for me
and it ended with giving Bo a quarter at the grocery store and letting him decide if he wanted to put it in the basket for the salvation army
or put it in the machine to get a plasitc toy
he did ponder
but he chose the bucket
and it made my heard swell
and then to see two happy boys over joyed with cookies from the bakery
it is the little things
And that Bo seemed so proud of himself at basketball practice
as he kept wiping his forehead with the sweat rag he instisted on bringing
and his manners were soooo good....he loves to impress
he really does

Tree Decorating Time!


Love that she loves her hair done and bows!
Making cookies for teachers Thansgiving gifts

Go Dawgs

Baylen celebrating after the Georgia Win and the number 1 and 2 team fall
Gooooo Dawgs
Sam picked out these pjs without knowing what I was putting on baylen...
They told Santa what they wanted...
bo said ninja zane and Samtntha said an easy bake oven
Five Points open house....very fun
Just off the horse ride...Baylen LOVED it
Bo told me he was a chef
and made me a flower
carrots on yogurt around a cucumber
Bo found it quite funny that I can put things on my belly
They both are pretty facinated with the kicks they can feel when they put their hands on my belly
I hope I never forget the feeling of a baby doing sumersaults in my belly
I hope I never forget the feeling of Samantha grabbing my hand
I hope I never forget when Bo hugs me out of the blue and says mommy I just love you so much
and cuddles at night in our bed
I hope I never forget how it feels to rock Baylen singing songs with a blanket and a passy
So keep on looking people
keep on looking at me with the eyebrows raised
and the whews
you have got your hands full comments
not really
my heart is full
that just about sums it up

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday Whatevers

So I rest my case with not really having control
I say it often
but it is so true
Yesterdays blog went on and on about how good it is
and believe me
it is
My agenda today was story time
clean a little
play with Baylen
Shop a little
and get a haircut and brow wax
Like for real
Just me
In a chair
getting pampered
Just for a few
And then
Bo comes in our room
at 2 am
and throws up all over me
and then again
and again
for the next eight hours
He managed to hit just about the hardest places to clean
sofa, carpet, comforter, rug.....me
I really was not even planning on showering today
And I will be honest
really honest
I still didn't
I am honestly just realizing that as I am typing this
the washer ran all day
and I went to buy Gatorade
Did a lot of back rubbing
and pillow fluffing
and it still was a great day
It reminded me of what motherhood really is all about
And how it gets better and better the more you have
I love not knowing what the next minute may be
Well I should not say I love it
but I do love how it constantly reminds me of little me
and how BIG God is....he calls the shots
He makes the plans...even though I try
I love helping with homework
then pulling Bo out of a tree
and then rocking Baylen
and feeling this one
knowing that soon I will see him or her
So it ended up being a wonderful day
We decorated the Christmas tree
I love to watch Baylens face
He was very concerned with us having a tree in the house
I love that
Bo did some dancing
Samantha did some bossing
Piper did some sleeping
It was perfect
I love to sit by a lit christmas tree...I love lights
As I continue to feel anxious about keeping a clean house having gifts bought and wrapped and on and on
I am reminded of what really matters
and how as long as we are all healthy
and together...
that is all that matters
I hear daily of tragedy all around me and it always ropes me back in
Baylen is laying on daddy right now....
and yes it is almost ten...
but he is being so good
He is repeating everything that is on tv
and he is pushing the frosty the snow man button on a Christmas animal
over and over
and it is quite humorous
So here are to days that are days that we did not plan
Even though I am still praying that this baby waits until the day I planned...
Just hoping I am not going to be ultimately tested on whether or not I can handle something unplanned
we will see
we will see
and by the way
I do not sleep anymore
and I wonder if I will ever forget the numbness/burning sensation that I feel hip down most of the time
I would not mind forgetting it...
but I hope I never forget the feeling of a heel trying to come out of my belly button!

Dear Lord, please help me trust You and empower me through Your Spirit to stop my emotions from bossing me around. I want to quit worrying about what might happen and focus on what has already happened by remembering and praising You for Your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus' 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Memories in Motion

It's one of those nights I feel I have much to say
I really should divide it into many blogs
First of all
I am nesting
I know that sounds like something everyone says
but I have this since of urgency
like I need to get everything done
every piece of laundry
the fridge cleaned out
rooms spotless
everything perfect
mail sorted
shopping done
tree up
everything wrapped
it is like this baby is a ticking time bomb in my belly
who is calling all the shots
when I sleep
when I don't 
and when he or she is coming
It is amazing how much control they even have over you before they are even born!
I know that this is unnecessary 
and all will be okay
and that life will happen without me
I sound like I think I am way more important then I am
I just want everything to go smooooooth
and nobody feel like they have to miss a beat because I am not here...
Which is why
today's devotion meant so much! 
As it usually does...

It was about how sometimes we see different as wrong
This is so true
We think because people do things not the way we would
then they are the ones that are wrong
I do this so much
I think my way is the best
don't we all do this?
As I watch my kids
I try so hard that even if they are doing something in a not so efficient way
I am patient 
and enjoy them doing it

I can mentally ask myself questions that will empower me to maintain calm emotions and keep my "mama mouth" in check. Like ...
Does it matter now or will it matter tomorrow?
Will it affect eternity?
Is God trying to teach ME something? If so, what?
Can I pause and praise instead of interrupt and instigate?
Am I just being a control freak and need to let it go?

Psalm 139:4 "Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether."

I could not get any of them out!!!
Samantha is modeling her bubble dress....she is quite proud...
they have a blast in the tub together...room for one more?

Samantha made all stars again
We are SOOOO proud of her
Here she is in the pregame picture

So this morning was SO much fun
It really is the little things
Baylen and I went Christmas shopping and I have to tell you
just watching him go through the isles of Khols  made me so happy.
To watch him was so fun
He was so excited to see each and every little thing
Look Mommy
Look Mommy
Look Mommy
I could listen to that all day long
Then we went to trader joes and he wanted to hold the basket
He was struggling towards the end
But it was fun just letting him do it
Did it take four times as long to shop
Did I care
I love just being able to not rush
I wish we could always be like that
You are able to stop and enjoy
when you just let yourself
Here is a picture of the veggie chips that he picked. 
He was VERY proud and ate them the whole way home
I don't know who enjoyed the trip more,,,me or him!

I forgot to show this picture earlier
It is the example page Samantha made for face paining at Bo's Halloween party
I thought it was SO cute!
I love the broom

So "mini" taco night was a hit
Put everything out
and the kids made little mini tacos
You would have thought it was Christmas mornings
They loved it
They even asked for me to get the camera and take a picture!
Here is Bo making a happy face ....the black beans are eyes!
Got to love how hard it works on a smile
It is so funny to me how he struggles with a posed picture!

And then here is Samantha's Creation
She was VERY proud
All minis in a row
She put everything on one at a time...
and yes baylen and Bo were done before she started

I love
Walks in the fall 
Listening to Baylen point out everything in site
As he holds on to Pipers leash
I love windows open at naptime
with a cool breeze coming in the den
as I get caught up on emails
and Piper sleeps on the couch....
Love Love Love it

Life is good
I feel like I am about the open the best Christmas present ever!
Well one of the four best ever!!!!
Can't wait to meet this little Sam Bo Bay
I feel like he or she will be a mix of all three of them
and my heart is already wrapped around them like you would not believe

Friday, November 9, 2012


I have noticed I have not been blogging
shame on me
But that is the story of my life
all of our lives
I will make none
I have to say I had an AMAZING bible study yesterday
I will be catching up at the end of the study on Hebrews
sharing all that I learned from it
But for now
I learned about rest
rest is not a familiar word for me
I run from it
I feel there is no time for rest
I feel if I do not go a million miles an hour then I am well
just not right
Sometimes I wish I was in that slow motion mode on the tv
where you just ease into things
I don't know
I am just not wired that way
In our study we talked a lot about rest
I will write more on that soon
But today's study remiended of me it also...

About how our emotional lives need just as much rest as our physical. We let thoughts consume us and whirl around....When we do not allow time to rest and regroup from the stresses of life, we allow cracks in our spirit that make us emotionally and spiritually fragile. We keep going at break-neck speeds, rarely slowing down long enough to be refreshed.
We must stop even for a moment
We must dig into the scripture EVERYDAY

In our fast-paced society we rarely get to sit in a quiet place. Televisions blare. Computers sound out webcasts. iPods and MP3s crank out music at times when we could be seeking solace.
As a result, stress chisels away, creating tiny cracks that although barely visible to the eye

Matthew 7:25, 
"The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn't collapse, because its foundation was on the rock. 

What I NEVER want to forget about being pregnant...
The kicks
The limbs that seem to poke out from the inside out and push your skin further then you think possible...the little pinch that does not hurt but kinda does
The hicups
The rolling from side to side at night
the different stages of feeling the baby from a flutter to all out movement
I wish I could describe the movements
As I sit here and type
they are always so different
sometimes a little poke
many times a whole belly shift from side to side
sometimes you can feel little fingers and toes tickle
I know it is not comfortable, but the uncomfortable pressure and sharp pains down your leg and hips
Pillows everywhere at night
An itchy veining belly
Having to go potty all the time and then not having too and then having too
clothes not fitting
Belly buttons
People just looking at you like oh I remember that
I find myself looking at other pregnant moms and thinking...oh I wish I was pregnant
Really weird I know
The feeling that you really can not stand up from a sitting position
the doctor appointments
I really do love them
I feel it is the time I can just give to the baby
But I will save that for my post on
What I love about a newborn...
for now
I want to savor these last four weeks
simply savor
every moment
for this is such a blessing
one that deep down I knew I would have
if God so willed
That is why i kept the clothes
and all the stuff....
deep down I knew
I hope I will always feel this little one inside me
what a miracle

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Memories in Motion

Got together with old friends Friday night
Baylen loved throwing the football.....
It was a nice cool fall night
Fun to watch all of our kids play together

Baylen and Logan
Best friends forever
Just 11 months apart
and their siblings will just be three months apart

Here is Samantha right after her 
She was so happy
and I was tearing up
so proud of her

 Bo decided it was not that hard to smile in a picture

 Bo even wanted to take a picture of mommy and daddy
 Bo decided he wanted to have a yard sale and sell some things from his room
every few seconds he would yell...YARD SALE!

It was a great weekend
one of those that we got a lot of little things done
definitely starting to nest
more on that in tomorrows blog
I am so thankful for the little things
walks with my dad on a Sunday
cuddling with the kids
Saturday night football after a win
sleeping with the windows open
watching Baylen follow Bo's every move
watching the kids do something that they are proud of
good moods
at every 