Monday, March 31, 2014

Thought this was funny....

So we tried to catch a leprechaun...

 And we did not succeed!
Our annual snarf muckel drink
and everything green we eat day!

 Bo's batman invitations

 I love storytime...have been going for 11 years...sad to think I may only have four more....does Baylen look like a giant here or what

 McRae was so excited that he got to eat like Baylen on the couch!

 My baking and cooking buddy! He loves it. We put those aprons on and get to it!
 Oh Bo, he greeted me like this...fresh out of the shower he said he was me!

 Baylen falls asleep in the oddest places

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Subway "eating fresh"
 Baylen just adores Bo

 Shrimp is Bo's FAVORITE

 Wow...these two have grown!
 First and last Slumber party....ha ha just kidding

 Bo wants to make a cartoon movie...this is one of like 100 pics I took when Bo just moved the legos like a tiny tiny bit
 Bo got third place in show at the proud of so so so so proud
 busy busy boy....
 In my lap before the big first hair cut!
 I know...buddy...I am going to miss your hair too!
 OMG what cuteness....and look at that sucker
 there he goes again....sweet boy
 Bo LOVES baseball....I LOVE watching him
 My sweet baker boy
 Splish splash
 love these boys....
 Love this my beautiful girl
 Walking the "blue" carpet....Samantha and her girls won with over 40 film entries on the ripple effect project...can't wait to post the movie....this girl makes me prouder and prouder each day

 An the oscar goes to.......the cutest girls in the world!!!
 and then we are off the dancing the night away!

 then today it was time to get casual want throw some water balloons with your brothers!