Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Memories in Motion

It's one of those nights I feel I have much to say
I really should divide it into many blogs
First of all
I am nesting
I know that sounds like something everyone says
but I have this since of urgency
like I need to get everything done
every piece of laundry
the fridge cleaned out
rooms spotless
everything perfect
mail sorted
shopping done
tree up
everything wrapped
it is like this baby is a ticking time bomb in my belly
who is calling all the shots
when I sleep
when I don't 
and when he or she is coming
It is amazing how much control they even have over you before they are even born!
I know that this is unnecessary 
and all will be okay
and that life will happen without me
I sound like I think I am way more important then I am
I just want everything to go smooooooth
and nobody feel like they have to miss a beat because I am not here...
Which is why
today's devotion meant so much! 
As it usually does...

It was about how sometimes we see different as wrong
This is so true
We think because people do things not the way we would
then they are the ones that are wrong
I do this so much
I think my way is the best
don't we all do this?
As I watch my kids
I try so hard that even if they are doing something in a not so efficient way
I am patient 
and enjoy them doing it

I can mentally ask myself questions that will empower me to maintain calm emotions and keep my "mama mouth" in check. Like ...
Does it matter now or will it matter tomorrow?
Will it affect eternity?
Is God trying to teach ME something? If so, what?
Can I pause and praise instead of interrupt and instigate?
Am I just being a control freak and need to let it go?

Psalm 139:4 "Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether."

I could not get any of them out!!!
Samantha is modeling her bubble dress....she is quite proud...
they have a blast in the tub for one more?

Samantha made all stars again
We are SOOOO proud of her
Here she is in the pregame picture

So this morning was SO much fun
It really is the little things
Baylen and I went Christmas shopping and I have to tell you
just watching him go through the isles of Khols  made me so happy.
To watch him was so fun
He was so excited to see each and every little thing
Look Mommy
Look Mommy
Look Mommy
I could listen to that all day long
Then we went to trader joes and he wanted to hold the basket
He was struggling towards the end
But it was fun just letting him do it
Did it take four times as long to shop
Did I care
I love just being able to not rush
I wish we could always be like that
You are able to stop and enjoy
when you just let yourself
Here is a picture of the veggie chips that he picked. 
He was VERY proud and ate them the whole way home
I don't know who enjoyed the trip more,,,me or him!

I forgot to show this picture earlier
It is the example page Samantha made for face paining at Bo's Halloween party
I thought it was SO cute!
I love the broom

So "mini" taco night was a hit
Put everything out
and the kids made little mini tacos
You would have thought it was Christmas mornings
They loved it
They even asked for me to get the camera and take a picture!
Here is Bo making a happy face ....the black beans are eyes!
Got to love how hard it works on a smile
It is so funny to me how he struggles with a posed picture!

And then here is Samantha's Creation
She was VERY proud
All minis in a row
She put everything on one at a time...
and yes baylen and Bo were done before she started

I love
Walks in the fall 
Listening to Baylen point out everything in site
As he holds on to Pipers leash
I love windows open at naptime
with a cool breeze coming in the den
as I get caught up on emails
and Piper sleeps on the couch....
Love Love Love it

Life is good
I feel like I am about the open the best Christmas present ever!
Well one of the four best ever!!!!
Can't wait to meet this little Sam Bo Bay
I feel like he or she will be a mix of all three of them
and my heart is already wrapped around them like you would not believe

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