Thursday, August 11, 2011

In a good place

I have the most perfect schedule ever. I am 33 and feel happier then ever. I say this because even though I have saddness and hurt in my life, I have joy and blessings too. Life is like that. You have so many wonderful things, yet so many sad things too. I thought if I was still happy even though things were sad then it was like I was not really sad, but it is all about perspective. Instead of saying, I am so happy, but so sad because I miss Riley, istead I can still feel happy because she is right here with me. Always. I feel I am able to get through so much now as I watch Walker fight this battle of cancer. I see how much I love him, now I know that yes, Riley was loved, many say, they are just dogs, but they are family and they have taught me so much about love, happiness and grief.

So, back to my schedule, yet again a place I could focus on the saddness of my two older kids being at school and growing up, but I could also focus on the amazing one on one time I am getting with Baylen. He is true joy.

I rise and shine to go to the best job ever, working out!
Come home just in enough time to get the kids up and make breakfast.
Take my coffee out to Riley's garden, welcome the morning and say a prayer and talk to her
Come in and take the kids to school, being thankful that I get to go home and still have one with me...
Baylen and I have been starting our day with yoga, and play! He loves it...
Then we get some morning chores done, he is a great helper..and then have some out of the house time...
We come home play, eat lunch and while he naps is when I get work done from chores, to organizing (one of my fav's) to a list a mile long. I start with a devotion in the playhouse, it is perfect to do this at noon, middle of the day, showing that I want to make sure my mind is straight. You see, we may start good of bad, but it is so easy to get off track, so if I am off track in my thinking, I get right back on! When Bay wakes up and the kids get off the bus, I turn into a mommy. No me time, no work, just Bo Sam and Bay, and Walker too! We play, we eat, mommy has tea at 4:00. Then we clean sweep the house, everyone helps...and dinner time and daddy kisses...if we are lucky, sometimes daddy works late because he is so amazing. After dinner we play more maybe take a walk or swim. Then my fav, reading books, singing lulabies, getting in fresh jammies and smelling so yummy after a bath, milk and bed. I don't say this becasue the kids are going to bed, I just love the one on one time I have with each of them. Then it is two hours of me time, and talking to Kev about his day. I blog at night...then head to bed at 10, lights out at 10:30. And start it all over again in the morning. Gotta love it,,,,love it so much! I recently read one of my friends blogs that spoke of wanting to eat her kids up with a spoon, so get that...thought I was the only one that thought things like that. Yum!

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