Sunday, February 26, 2012

Go there But Not There

Church Sermon Feb 26, 2012

Today's sermon was amazing as usual
Based on Romans 7:15-19
Paul's letter to the Romans about choosing wrong
There are certain places we should not go
you know when you say the things
that you know you should not say
but you say them anyway
You know right from wrong
but you choose wrong anyway
It starts back with Adam and Eve
God told them clearly what to and not to do
they knew they were wrong
but did it anyway
Jesus was tempted for 40 days
If it feels it
Live only for the present moment...
Look out for number one!
Isn't that what gets us into trouble!
We need to forget what lies behind us
look at what lies ahead of us
Instead of being trapped
Leave behind behind
and embrace what is ahead
choose life
Spoke of a plum tree that still had plums but had fallen
When asked what happened the farmer said insects got it
what to do
Gather the fruit
and burn the bush
Like life
and move on
Gather the fruit
the good you got out of it
and forget the mistake
learn from it
and move on
Keep on moving
We are not who we want to be
not perfect
never will be
but don't get stuck
Live the life
choose the life

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