Monday, February 6, 2012

And yet again, God wows me

Matthew 16:24
Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You are not in the drivers seat
I am..Follow me

Just as I was telling myself today
that I have to get back to doing my daily devotions
the next one up
well was
I hope you will start checking them out
I will post them on the Soul page each day
I have been making excuses
thinking just reading my few passages from the bible each day
and thinking about God
a lot
would be enough
I need my devotion time
to stay in check
and sure enough the one I turned to today
what I needed to hear
was this just chance
it was God
it always is
He is there waiting
for when we come back
to Him
Today was yet another example of when you think you have it together
you are always lacking
I want to be so much to everyone
I thought I had it all done
when the kids got home
but my sister stopped by
Sam had pronouns for homework
my grandmother stopped by
my dad called
Piper needed out
Baylen wanted ice cream
Bo was wanting to play a game
and Kevin was calling
all when I was trying to make dinner
for us
and another family
that has their own craziness going on
right now too
It is not like any of what was happening was bad
it actually was all great
It was great that Samantha needed my help
I had always pictured her at the kitchen table
doing homework
as I cooked
It was great my dad called
and my Nana brought me shrimp
and my sister came by to talk
and I was in better shape then my dear friend that needed a meal
and that I have a dog
that actually lets me know she needs to go out
and a sweet boy
that is smart enough to get his own bowl and spoon
and point to the freezer and say
i cream
and a precious little boy
that loves time with his momma
to play games
all at one time
was a bit much
but it was all good
all okay
it just reminded me
that at anytime
thinks can get a little
and we must learn to
I saw today on the news
so many sad stories
that go around us everyday
dogs are abused
kids are lost
dads go to war
houses burn down
loved one pass away
Everyone has their rain cloud
I am glad it has been sunny around my world the past few days
I am thankful for our sunny days
Praying tonight for all those that are hurting
in the ways that they feel is legit
we all have our clouds
I hope I can shine a light
and help others
like I have been helped
Feeling thankful
and grateful
and peaceful
in the midst
of crazy

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