Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

I always love mothers day
It gives me a chance to feel like I am in the middle of a great thing
I get to look at my mom and really reflect on all that she has done for me
and what all she has taught me
As I do that
I think of all the special memories and how they all consist of happy times
times spent together
nothing huge
no big sparkly gifts and glitz
just good love and comfort
I have memories of my mom just being there
I don't really think of her not
She was always there to greet us off the bus
with a yummy snack
she always packed our school lunches with a note on a napkin
which I could never throw away
She would always have a nice breakfast on the table in the morning
I remember her in a bathrobe
which made me feel so comfortable
knowing she had nowhere to rush off to
and that she would be right there
all day
waiting for us to get home
I remember many trips to Disney, Clearwater Beach and St. Simons
I remember how she could make the best lunches by the pool
hotdogs without the bun with a side of ketchup to dip
pickles, the hamburger ones not spears
and cheese cubes
with lemonade on the side
We would always eat under an umbrella by the pool
She was always there at night
maybe an occasional PTA meeting
She played games
taped the coolest movies on the VHS
and always seemed to have the most patience in the world
As I got older
She was one that I could tell ANYTHING to
and often did
she would always listen
not get mad
and would look at me when I talked to her
She never missed a game
a play
a award
I think about these things today
because it makes me think about trying to be what she was
I think about how I am the way I am
because of what she taught me
All I care about it being with my kids
letting them know how much they are loved
and that they are number one
At the same time
teaching the manners and that they are to serve others
I often pray that I can be the mom that she is
I got the best mothers day gift the other day
when her mom, my grandmom
told her that she was so excited that I was having a fourth
My grandmother had six
My grandmother and my mom are still very close
I like to see the pattern
of watching my mom and my grandmother
me and my mom
and me and Samantha
I like to think there are so many similarities
We just love to be moms
We crave our kids
and the fact that she saw that in me
made me smile
The fact that she thinks I am a good mom
and thinks having four rocks
makes me smile
I am so happy to be a mom
I am so happy to have my mom
and I am so happy to have a mom that loves her mom
like I love mine
each mothers day
I like to thank God
for giving me the chance
to get a glimpse of how much He loves me
because I know it is just a fraction of how much I love my kids
and that must be SOOOO much
I am feeling blessed
in a full circle kind of way
Happy Mothers Day to my grandmother

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