Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tuesday Treasures

I have been so tired at night to blog
I still have to find that perfect time each day
Just like I try to schedule that perfect time to do everything
I find myself sometimes doing the very same things
that I find others doing
that drive me crazy
It is interesting how easy it is to look at others
and get annoyed
and yet
you do it to
I over plan
worry way to much
try to get everything just right
and when I watch others do this
it drives me up the wall
Just thought I would share that
So this is what is on my mind
First of all
I think I may have said this before
but I truly think I have the best kids in the entire world
Each time I think about how I agonized and made deals with God
about when I thought it would be good to have a baby
He showed me
that if I was just patient
and waited on His time
then these three little blessings is what I would recieve
Could not imagine even having joy if I did not have them
they are the air I breath
and fill my heart was so much love I can't stand it
I just wish I could just freeze time
it does seem to get better and better
My mom was so right
It gets better with age
I feel nearing 35 I am happier then ever
I just care about the things that matter
When I was younger
not so much
I wanted to list some things that are happening with each of them
that I treasure the most...

I love the faces you have been making latley
It is like a sarcastic, yet sweet, yet I know more then you know look
It is a good look
Not a sassy one
but one that makes my belly ache I laugh so hard
You scrunch your nose,
raise your lip a bit
and get a little country twang in your voice
You know you are funny
You love it
You over think everything
No idea where you got that from
You plan everything
You want to know every last detail of every minute
You have trouble enjoying the moment
even though you are happy
You remind me so much of myself it is scary!
You love to read
You can't keep a secret to save your life
Just like me :(
I think Cleaning your room is you least favorite thing to do in the whole world
You love to design clothes
try to sew
yet your patience wears
You love to come up with cute outfits to wear
and I do bite my lip,
and just let it go
Unless I just truly can't let you out like that
You have a million scratches from who knows what
You always want a hair cut
you always want your sweets
yet you know it is not good for you
you just can't help yourself
again, sounds familair
You are such a goofy (in a good way)
little girl
I love our girl talk at night
I love that you love Disney
even though you keep it secret
I love that you love your brothers so much
I love you

I love when you get a haircut
or I should say I cut your hair
You look so handsome and sharp
I love your shorts and polos
you have no idea what a snazzy dresser you are
even though you often ask why do you have to always wear church clothes
I love how you entertain yourself
in your own world
acting out action figures or playing with legos
I love playing games with you
I love to watch you dance and karate chop
You are very loud
Very jumpy
Very active
But at night
you are very cuddly
very sweet
and very still much my little boy
You hike your pj pants so high
even though daddy thinks I do it
You love for me to smell your breath after you brush
As you still have a whole tube of tooth paste on your face
You love to be read to
and it never fails that you come to our bed
single night
But that is okay
I know one day you won't
I love how you throw your back pack down in the neighbors yard when you run after you get off the bus
I love your hugs
and your "Mommy I just love you so much"
You are so special
I love you

Oh Baylen
You grew so much this past week
You love to throw and catch the ball and say "YESSSSS"
You love to is always baa baa black sheep tune,
but you add words
You love to dance
You are so smart
so smart
you know how to do so much
colors, sorts, build, body parts, people
You love to take showers
You love to go though drawers in the bathroom and discover every little thing
I love when you crouch down, not like you are sitting, but crouched
and really study what is in front of you
I love your eyes and the determined look you get on your face
You work puzzles
You love in the morning to watch talk shows with me and cuddle
you will go get your blanket and passy
and we rock
You do what I do
Today I layed on the floor
so you did too
You love Piper
You follow her everywhere
I love when you enter a room you slam the door open... bamm
I love that you still love your bottle
Ok I know that is bad
I love that you love a night time story
I love toddler pjs
and that a toddler fit does not even phase me
I love how you talk through a passy and make perfect sense
I love how you are a cut up at the dinner table
I do miss your fat legs
I love you

So I do have to say one thing about Piper
I love that when I am on the computer
she sleeps on my feet
Everytime I come to this spot
to sit and type or check e mails
she comes from wherever she was
and sleeps on my feet

I have to say
that I still do not find there is enough time in the day
It takes the whole day
to do what just has to be done
My goals for this week
leading up to Easter
Is to walk in Jesus' shoes
and know that He is looking out for us always
we are the ones that forget Him
I want to give Him the control
and not worry about so much
and know that new ideas and things will come to me at the right time
I would like to not worry as much as I do
That would be so freeing
that is a good goal
That I can trust God with my life and my families life
and that He's got it under control
not me

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