Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Feeling a bit overwhelmed lately
And I don't know why
I love this time of year
But it causes my perfectionism to come out
I so try to overdo
I want five advent wreaths going
instead of just one
I want to make cookies 10 times
not just once,
I want to go to every Christmas parade
make every craft
let my kids watch every Christmas special
hit every sale
get everyone the perfect handmade gift
give the neatest teacher gifts
and the list goes
and on
And in the meantime
this jars my Obessive nature
that while I am at it
I want the house
the kids
to be perfect too
Where do you draw the line in
a clean house
and a mom that goes nuts
trying to keep the house clean
in a mom that wants to do it all
but if we do it all
mommy gets a little moody
why is it that my laundry is always piled up
that there is always old things in the fridge
even though I thought I bought
a perfect amount
why am I always cleaning out my car
redoing my workout plans
Making new checklist
updating pictures
deleting emails
taking new magazines
mopping floors
I know I know
because that is life
Sometimes I just feel
though this blog is called
Brodrick Balance
I have none lately
I walk that thin line
I feel that at night when all the kids are settled
and Kevin walks in
I want to greet him with a huge smile
and all the energy that I had at noon
but I am zapped
He deserves more
I wish I could be 100 percent
all day
for everyone
all the time
How do you balance
I know we are not to really know
I just want to go with the flow sometimes
when sometimes I feel
I am in a wad
Going from one thing to the next
and then next
I have all these great plans...
Up at 6:00
morning routine run smoothly
get all chores done
so Baylen and I can just play
Have everything done
so the kids and I can
just play
Relaxed for tea at 4:00
most days
I don't shower
I did not brush my teeth
I did not drink my tea
or drink water
or maybe even eat
I am not complaining here
I am just wondering
Do I create work for myself
Do I try to make things too perfect
the thing is
I get ideas from others
they seem to do it
and do it well
Just don't know
I know I need to breath
and give it up
Do all I can do
that day
I just regret the most
when I seem short with my kids
and get the slite bit annoyed
when there is pulling at my pants
demands for more milk
or one more bin of toys dumped
I know I will look back and want it all back
when it is gone
But how do you stay in the moment
enjoy each moment
when every moment
is doing for someone else
I walk a fine line
of knowing when I am selfish
and when I am selfless
I will pray
Just pray
I will be a peace with the answer I know
Until then
I will try each day
to enjoy every moment
Have fun
And when its not fun
I won't do it
I love my kids
I love my husband
I love my dogs
I love my family
I want them to know it
and I want to show it
the rest is just icing on the cake
Which by the way
when I eat icing
I feel guilty

Working through this slump I'm in
know it is a phase
Working through this season
Knowing that spring is on its way...

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