Monday, December 5, 2011

Time goes so fast

Bo found Ryan the elf in the shower this morning. Yes, Bo is dressed like an elf too. He spent most of his afternoon on the shelf, posing like Ryan. He did come off of the shelf a few times to do some crazy things....We thought it was pretty funny that Ryan was hanging in the shower, wearing a towel!
Baylen went with me to a ladies luncheon today....he is tuckered out...I can't resist him asleep with a passy looking distrested!
Oh and that brownie that lady gave him was so yummy!
Baylen found Samantha's polar bear parade head gear...he loved it!
I know I know, I just could not resist! Baylen helps me every morning unloading dishes, but today he ran to the dishwasher on his own, opened it, and started to get things out....pretty smart...but I quickly guided him back to his room to get his clothes on, before those clean dishes were not clean anymore, if you know what I mean....Oh Ryan, this is how we found you yesterday, hangin' upside down, drunk on syrup. The kids thought this was so funny they could hardly stand it!
It was a good day. A busy day. One of those that you don't think will be and then it really is...big time. I don't know where 3:00 to now went. All three kids were going into three directions. Between Samantha wanting help with homework and her blog, to Bo needing help with his costume as he was an elf, not to mention he was an angry little elf that liked to destory and Baylen, who was just in a bit of a mood. He can be hot or cold. Goes from sweetness to grump in about two seconds. Overall, we all survived, had fun, not too much frustration and we made it through a monday hopefully with joyful hearts. Bo is asleep on me as I type. All is good. Really just got to get my craft on...Christmas is less then three weeks away..oh my!

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