Saturday, June 9, 2012

I read a blog recently
from a lady that I swore had it all together
but she really did'nt
she admitting that she was awful at keeping her house clean
Was asked how does she find the time to do everything
she said
she does'nt
She does not volunteer much
Hates processed foods
She simplifies and organizes
It is essential to sanity
She loves to blog
it is the one thing that is hers
baby steps
we get overwhelmed when we want to do everything
all the time
and when we want to read everything
but we can't
She cares for her family
keeps her house clean
fixes lots of food
scrapbooks less
blogs and reads

It is trial and error
readjusts to what works

Jeremiah 31:23-25
Sometimes your nine year old is freaking out
your six year old is throwing up
and your toddler is sceaming because they do not want to be at the ball field
for the third time this week
Or there is someone ringing the doorbell
when you are still in your pj's
two phones are ringing
The house is exploding
even though you swore it would not be
and you would stay on top of it
the fridge is empty
hours of work is behind you
and hours ahead
On days like this I have awful thoughts
I want to be free
time to take a leisurely bath without wailing outside the door
To pick up the hosue and it stay that way
Tough days make us long for what we do not have
We then realize
that if we had what they had we would have a whole nother set of challenges
I recently read an article about a mom who had twin daughters
and it was not until their third birthday that they discovered they had a genetic disease
that would take their life
can you imagine?
Your three year olds
right there in front of you
and then having to watch them weither away
I also hear of the 5 year olds with cancer
in car crashes
bullied or abused
The 7 year old that dies of an anyrism in PE
can you imagine getting that call?
I don't say all of this to sound morbid or cross
it just shakes you a bit
makes you want to go outside and shout to the skies
Thank you
Thank you for all my blessings
for protecting my family
it makes you want to always have a smile on your face
and gladly take on the days that seem bad
but really are awesome
that you have kids that will mess things up
or need things from you
On frustraing days
I really need to pray for a change in attitude and a good nights sleep
Tomorrow is always a brand new day
I will smile when my kids are crawling all over me and making a mess
I would not want it anyother way
Thank you God for helping me keep calm in the chaos and not totally lose it
thank you for helping me laugh instead of cry

today was great
Sandcastle with kids and dad
a crazy golf cart ride where grandaddy was so silly
The beach on a windy but nice day
A pouring down naptime where you can truly relax
beacuse you can't be outside....
and the fried shrimp mom cooked last night
I love this beach house
love love love it
what a retreat
already sad about leaving
but know I will be back soon
very soon
On a final note
took a sweet little dog named bandit home to see his family
the joyful tears that the lady cried melted my heart.
I knew that she was thinking she would never see her dog again
The ability to bring her what she thought was gone forever
was amazing
I often picture someone walking up with Riley and Walker
as if they were just lost
It was comforting to give her what I long for
It brought me joy
I know bandid smelled Walker and Pie on me
and knew we would leader her home

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