Tuesday, January 15, 2013

why is it

Why is it that we forget so much?
As I sit here and look at McRae in his little bouncy seat...in his pj's night gown,
I don't remember the others at this age
I see picture but I don't really remember
Just like I don't really remember Samantha at Bo's age and Bo at Baylens age
That kinda makes me sad
I want to always remember them at all the ages
I enjoy them so much where they are, but it would be nice to remember them how they were at all phases
I love how a newborn looks so peaceful when they sleep,,,so so sweet
I love their little feet
Their little fat rolls
Smelling them and brushing their hair after a bath
The sleep bags you put them in at night with hand things that cover their hands
How they do that fast breathing thing when they sleep
How they smile when they sleep
How they move in slow motion
How they make every emotion in their face
How they are so comforted when the are held and rocked
The sounds they make when eating...I want to never forget that sound
The sounds they make when they sleep....

I absolutly love love love staying home with McRae and Baylen
We just work puzzles, have dance parties and play legos
We play trains, eat yogurt and go to storytime
We watch Elmo, play memory and play outside
Baylen adores McRae and wants to teach him everything
I have the best life ever!

In our devotion today we talked about how you feel like you are not making a big difference if you are not doing something huge....but we learned that it really is the little things....the little things...the simple things...mean so very much

It is amazing how having four has made me more mellow, more on time and more balanced...I enjoy the little things so much more.....

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