Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Picture update

So I have been bad about not posting pictures...we have been up to a lot! First I have to say that Kevin left town today for five days, and it was my fear three months ago that Walker would not be here...but he is...and he is sleeping on the floor next to me. The kids are in bed, and now I can write about what we have been up to around here.....doing a lot of balanceing lately, but loving every minute of it...

Here is Samantha and I, after we made clothes pin dolls...super crafty and really frustration. It was a nice cool rainy day, and this was a fun thing to do with my sweet girl while Baylen napped, Bo was in Bo world and Walker was watching/napping on the floor beside us....
Speaking of crafty...Samantha has a new passion for fashion design.... she took old scraps and some double sided tape and made a dress....she actually made a few.....she loves it...she is really good at it too!

And Bo, Bo is an author...he is SOOOOO proud of himself. He came home with this book, that he stayed in from recess to do. He drew pictures and his teacher wrote the was amazing. This is Bo who cried last year because he could not hold a he says he is a writer! The story was about two kids that ran away to a witches house, and it had a begining, middle and end. He said, the lesson is, never run away from home, or this might happen to you! My favorite part was when he said the kids snored at night and they snored little o's into the sky! Love it!...

Here is Baylen last night giving me that know...mommy I am way to cute for you to put me to bed...and yes, that is a pink Lovie....he loves his hand me down lovie...lovie number two...original lovie is back home safe with Samantha!

Here are Baylen and daddy watching the republican debate....he really was so into it....very funny to watch, it was like he was listening to what they were saying for when he voted...

Baylen went to Walker when I randomly said "Bay go give walker a kiss goodnight" He walked over to Walker and Walker gave him a kiss when he leaned over to him! I could not believe it!

Baylen returned to gesture....

So sweet...I love you buddy!

Earlier, I caught my three boys raiding the fridge.....

Bo said when he does this to Walker it made him look Happy!

Bo was very proud that he was sorting...just like he learned in school!

Baylen is very obsessed with the pantry...he brings me different things from it on a hourly basis...usually peanut butter and syrup....

It has been a great few days...everyone is healthy and enjoying the fall weather. We are blessed and having fun!

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