Sunday, September 15, 2013

 I am so blessed
A tiger cub that loves being a tiger cub
A little girl that just went on her first ever youth retreat
A little boy that is so smart he blows my mind
and he knows it
And a cute little baby that melts my heart......

Watch out for Baylens mean face

what we saw when I looked down at Bo's feet on Friday

Please Please let me NEVER forget

How sweet Samantha is and how she is still a kid at heart
How she wants to do good all the time
and even when she does wrong it was not on purpose
and when she gets sassy she is so quick to say she is sorry
how she loves her brothers
how she loves to brush her hair
what braces look like on her
her love for little girl things
like princesses and Disney
but her athletic side 
and love for soccer and football

your hugs and pure heart
your questions
more questions
and more
deep deep deep 
like the ones that I really do not have an answer for
your excitement
your manners
your ability to never hold a grudge
how you trip over your own feet
how you just roll with everything
shrug your shoulders
its no big deal
your intensity
and energy
and imagination 
from wanting to built a robot out of our recyclables
to all the things you want to be when you grown up

the passy that continues to hang from your mouth when you talk
your need everything to be just so
your pillow
your shoes
your blanket
your ability to remember every single detail
how you love love your brother Bo
how you love you sister
and pat Mcrae on the back
how you want to be held all the time
a time will come when you won't
watching you run
with all of your body
your chunkiness

Feeding you a bottle
how your eyebrows lift up like it is so good
how you come up for a breath
how when you fall asleep you conform to me
how you breath when you drink
rocking you alone in the glider
how you hold on with one hand while looking around
seeing your sweet face when you wake from a nap
how you play with your hair when you drink
how you have a deep belly laugh only when your siblings make you laugh
how you crawl kinda on a knee....
your sweet smile that is always present

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