I got to talk to grammy today
one on one
just she and I
I don't remember exactly what I said
but I do know that it came very easy
I know I thanked her for Kevin
and for letting me marry him
that I would take care of him
and make sure he is okay
I told her that I was sorry she was in that hospital bed
I knew she did not like that
I told her that I would not let the kids
ever forget her
I repeated some fond memories I had
of her and Samantha
when she would take them shoe shopping
She loved that
I wish I could remember
everything that I said
but I can't
I thanked her for our long talks
I thanked her for always showing interest in me
I thanked her for always making me feel special
I told her that I still would call her
just in a different way
when the kids were sick
or something happened
I am so glad
that Baylen gave her a "cookie kiss"
when we left today
I am glad I held her hand
rubbed her shoulders
and was there
I was able to tell her
it was okay to go
I am glad that I got a really good cry out
on the couch
on Kevin
I felt safe
It was a good cry
I told Kevin I was worried about him
his dad
and samantha
Yet, I knew
that his mom would not want me to
she was always worried
about how I grieve
I am glad we got the room
set back up
just like she would want it
Her wanting decorating tips
Her compliments on what kind of mother I am
Her cooking
How she always had food "before butter" set aside for me
How she loved our kids
I mean loved
I mean REALLY loved
Summer cookouts
Sunday night dinners
she really did up birthdays
How she knew what she wanted and got it done
The clothes she always had for the kids hanging in the laundry room
that she bought for them
Our long talks
really longs talks
really really long talks
She would call everyday
and we would talk
Anna told me tonight
that she loved how we talked everyday
that meant so much
She wanted to know everything
about the kids
the dogs
my sisters
She guided me
complimented me
agreed with me
shared with me
taught me
I miss that
so bad
I miss Christmas
she loved Christmas
we decorated for her this year
she told us where to put everything
I miss taking her to chemo
dr appointments
sitting with her
watching Reggis and Kelly
talking about American idol
I miss seeing Baylen in her lap
eating ice cream
I miss grammy's take homes
when the kids would leave
I miss her girls nights with the girls
I miss her taking the girls to look for shells at the beach
her love for family
there is so much to miss
I know it can all be warm memories
but right now
I am in that first stage of grief
yet again
the one where I am slightly angry
that there is no more
having some what if thinking
and a little guilt
I know I told her I loved her
but did I do it enough
I know she knew I cared
but did I show it enough
Was I too busy
did I let her know that she was important
I hope so
I really do
It is amazing
how we really do not dwell on these things
until after they are gone
She has been gone for three months really
in and out
we have had her here
but not here
I have not had a chance
until tonight
to miss what it was like
before September 27th
it was normal
but do we ever really have normal
life is so precious
It really was a perfect day
I was with her for three hours
Baylen ate lunch by her
we talked
we laughed
we looked at pictures
I left
She had time alone with the nurses
Kevin Brian Anna and Joel were all out
when they came back
and were all together
she shed a tear
she had not done this
she had not moved
opened her eyes
since Tuesday
She then passed
with her beloved sister
and three "boys" around her
It was perfect
she had indeed heard what we had been saying
all along
she had tears
she was sad to leave
but happy to know
that it was okay
and that we all loved her
and were going to be okay
Her and Pop Pops minister came
and prayed an amazing prayer
He said that we know she is in heaven
but we still hurt because we want her here with us
He said that death is all around us
but we go about our day and are not intune to it
But it had visited our family
That we would indeed see her again
do not know when
but we will
It was very comforting to hear
It was a bittersweet day
A sad day because Grammy is not her
I miss her
I am sad for Pop Pop, he hurts so much
I am sad for my husband
who is so amazing
and she loved him for it
truly truly
a gift
I don't deserve him
I really do not
I am sad for my kids
that they at 1 5 and 8
will not have there Grammy
to spoil them anymore
So yes
this makes me sad
but it was a good day too
because everything that had to happen
happened perfectly
and our family
which was already close
got super close
super super close
which would make Grammy
smile so big
which I know she is doing
right now
looking down on us
Love you Grammy
thank you for all you have done
and given me
You have blessed us so much
and will contiune to
as we reflect
and remember
Hug your family extra close tonight
they are all that matters
My parents and sisters and grandmother
came when I called today
right away
they are amazing
I feel surround by family and friends
that I love so much
so much more
then they will ever know
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