We just got back from a refreshing trip
to North Carolina
Even though it was not a vacation
kids were in tow
It was a trip
A fun trip
a nice trip
a great forty eight hours
with no cell range
or warm weather...

We found a playground across from the house we stayed in. It was so cold, but the kids liked it...

After just a little bit, we went across the road to the mountain grill, which is a little shack with a sign on it....and we got hot cocoa....then headed straight back to the house for warm bathes...

We passed this cow on the way....

Here is the little cute house that we rented...it was perfect

We hiked a mountain and played on the hills....

daddy watching Sam and Bo getting higher and higher...

Baylen just did not know what to think about it....

Bo got stuck...but got out fine....

Amazing view....

Phoebe and Samantha got there first....

Our view from the house...

Baylen resting on his hike....

It was a great weekend, back to the real world now. We had a great trip back, an afternoon full of fun...went to basketball game and a fun girls day with UGA athletics. It was so great to travel this weekend and get a little out of my comfort zone...nice to be home....
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