Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Fresh Cozy start

I love new years
I love new beginings
I love a fresh start
It reminds me
of how we get a frest start each day in God's eyes
Sometimes we feel the new year
is when we get our fresh start
but it really is everyday
I am reminded of this
with Bo
He is needing
a fresh start
about every two minutes
The thing is
he has the sweetest heart out there
He wants to do good
just sometimes
comes over him
It takes years off my life
the frustration he can cause
I think him being here
brings so much joy
it does not really matter
My three kids
are perfect
could not be any cuter
all in one
I tell her everyday
how much she means to me
that she is perfect
that I love her
that she is the best thing
I have ever done
Bo is sweet
bo is full of life
Bo is always always on go
He can be so loud
so so loud
I just think Bo needs to be heard
The thing is
everyone that knows Bo
loves Bo
he is hard not to love
he knows the second he has done wrong
he wants to fix it
One minute he is so rough
the next he is nuzzling you
wanting to cuddle
Pure sweetness
Such a tender heart
I try to remember that
when I feel I may
blow my top
As you can see
in the pictures from yesterday
everything I could ever want
all balled into one
Perfect work of art
He is so smart
He amazes me everyday
with what he can do
He is a piece of fine work also
there you have it
that pretty much sums up
my new year fresh start
to enjoy these three
precious gifts
that I have before me
And my family
that I love so much
I am so grateful for my husband
who is one of a kind
for my mom
who is my best friend
my dad
who I love more then he loves me
I say that
becuase I know
how much he loves me
my sisters
who are my right and left arm
I would not be sane
without them
Riley and Walker
for the fact that they left paw prints
on my heart
that have shaped my heart
to what it is today
and I would have never loved
like I love
without them
I think of them everyday
Yes of course
I do have a list
a simple list
for the new year
these are ten simple things
that I want to do
If this is done
I think I will be healthy
and filled
to be the mom
that I need to be
Above all
I plan to rid my life of clutter
all the extra
if I had to make a list
here it is
1. Blog daily
2. Have a devotion daily
3. exercise daily
4. Drink more water and green tea
5. eat more fruits and veggies
6. Take my vitimens and supplements
7. Have moderation
8. take time for myself by actually showering once a day!
9.Floss daily and never skip a brush (I know, sad)
10. Sleep
I will journel these
and when I fail
I will start fresh the next day
becuase we are not perfect
That is such a lesson I have learned
I give my best everyday
I try to teach my kids to give their best too
It is showing...
As Samantha gets lost today on her bike
I do not panic
because I know
that she is so good
so responsible
i know she is okay
As Bo is bullied at the skate park
watching his sweet face
as I wanted to attack the boy
I learned
what I teach them
about being kind
As I watch baylen
running free on the sand
I realize that all that really matters
Is that we feels safe and secure...on our bikes or in the world
That we feel loved...even when a bully makes us feel otherwise
That we are in the moment....whether it on an open beach at sunset or having a hectic day
I like 2012 already.....
Here is a picture, sweet Bo, put stickers on Me Me and Grandaddys pillows so they woul see them when they went to bed. Love that little guy!
Since it is the first day of the year
I will start a new gratitude journey
Listing the three things I am thankful for each day
So by years end I will have over on thousand joys to share!
#1 Barbeque on new years day...sunset on the beach with the kids....sipping wine with my mom and dad at the beach house in the late evenings

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