Walker in mid air after catching a tennis ball
Is not missing a beat....just can't get quite as high as he use to....
Check out those thighs in those jean diapers...oh ya...
Baylen learned today he does not like wet grass....he could not stand for his feet to be dirty!
It was a fun Wednesday, busy and rushed feeling as usual, but fun. I just have to figure out the key to not feeling rushed. We played all day, but for some reason even if I have it all together I feel rushed on Wednesdays having to do a million things. I crave days with no where to go. Baylen and I played in the yard and played inside. I really do not know where our day goes...Bo and Sam, yall had a good day at school. Sam you took me into your room and you were in tears because you poked someone with a pencil today and were so worried you would be in trouble. You seemed as if you stressed about this all day. I felt so bad for you. I am so glad you came to me, I told you that the best thing was that you told the truth and did not feel good about what you did. Bo, you lost dessert today for hitting your sister. Sometimes I wonder how my kids got to be so aggressive...working on that! Three days till Disney, I am so excited, it is just bittersweet leaving Walker and Baylen behind....I will miss them terribly, but looking so forward to special time with Sam and Bo. I realized today that I still even at my age crave acceptance. I wonder what age I will be when I just don't care what people think of me. I like to think of myself as a confident person, but it amazes me how I still worry about what others think of me, if I do good or bad etc. I always try my best, I really do. I just want everyone to know I always want what is in their best interest and everything comes from the heart. Really working on raising grateful kids around here....hoping their roots are firm....
I am thankful for...
#13 Girl Talk with Samantha
#14 Red Wine
#15 Sitting at the bus stop with Walker
#16 Teaching a Pilates class that I do can enjoy
#17 Having the exited feeling of an upcoming disney trip, beach trip and first UGA game all in one week!
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