Friday, August 12, 2011


So having one of those days that Walker is showing you here. Can't put my finger on it, but feeling kinda blahh. Want to feel motivated, but not. Many projects to start and complete but nothing sounds too good. It has been a good day, started off this morning walking to school with the kids. Sam rode her bike and Bo ran the whole way. I love his new shoes with his skinny legs. He scares me so much when you wobbles back and forth when he runs. He has no idea how close he is to the rode, I guess that is what Mommies do, they worry for them! Baylen enjoyed his stroller ride, walker stayed home, not feeling too well this morning. I met up with a friend walking back also pushing a stroller with her little one, after dropping the older ones off. She had the idea of going to a little breakfast shop in five points and I said why not. It was delightful. Baylen and I shared a biscut as big as his head and it was refreshing to share a cup of coffee with a close friend and mom. We had a great time, then we headed home, which took five minutes, and I realized yet again why I live in five points. Love it. Baylen and I tackled Sam and Bo's rooms today. It was nice becasue he thought it was a real treat to play in there without being yelled at! We did stop for a rocky rock in his glider in his room. It was so nice to cuddle him, blanket and passy, rock and have no where to be. Until he wanted down to play again. I did get five minutes though. I will admit Baylen is napping now, and Walker looked so cozy on Sam's bed, so I joined him. I snoozed for about 40 I am up to try to get some stuff done before the bus comes....Happy Friday..this mommy is tired physically and mentally. I am going to start counting my blessings for you to hear each post I will end with three...
1. My three perfect children, husband and dog's
2. A family that loves me as much as I love them and live close by
3. The ability to not have to go to a nine to five job and have to leave my kids everyday
okay four...
4. Coffee with a friend, that was not on the schedule, but happened anyway!

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