He was very proud
Sam and Bo were not sure about me having the camera at the bus stop, actually Samantha was worried about something, I forget what, and Bo was wanting to know if I had made cookies and had milk ready, that has been his first question each day...
So today was one of those days that you feel like you are running behind. I don't know what it is, but why is it so hard to get three kids out the door. I feel like no matter how long I give ourselves, it takes that long plus five minutes to get out. If I allow 15 minutes then we need 16, if I allow 22 we need 23. Samantha is usually complaining about something...her hair, which shoes, need more juice etc. Bo is usually just wandering, really not paying attention to the tenth time I have said lets go. Baylen is usually in the pantry looking for more food. I am not being negative, I just can not seem to figure this one out. Tonight at choir is was nuts! We were running running running. I do not like days like that, I like to feel calm and put together, not fretting. When mommy frets kids fret, but maybe mommy frets because kids are fretting. I need to take a lesson from Bo and move slow like he does, yet at the same time who knows where we would be right now if we moved like Bo, we may still be heading to school! We did have a fun night though. Got books read, teeth brushed and cuddles. Bo wants to take walker to show and tell tomorrow, we will see if this is something that he made up, or if it really can happen. It broke my heart tonight to see Baylen cry in the nursery, again, since I was in such a hurry, I could not console him, not that that would have been a good idea, then Bo freaked out in the hall and would not go to choir. I do not like days like today, which ironically my bible study talked about loving everything in any circumstance. I understand the circumstance I was in today, I did not like it, but God got me through it, I just pray that God will give me peace that I did a good enough job today being a mom, some days you just feel like you were par, or maybe even a boggy! I give myself an B plus the first half, may have failed the second half, but the good news is the kids are safe, they know I love them, they were fed and are clean, well kinda, we did skip bathes, but they look clean :) The sun will rise tomorrow and it will be a new slate with new beginnings!
I am thankful for...
#9 Fresh starts on a new day
#10 Police that pull you over for not wearing your sit belt, but just give you a warning, so you feel scared enough to learn a lesson, yet it did not cost you anything
#11 Schedules
#12 Walker living one more day and my kiddos loving me no matter what
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