Warm and cozy after a bath

I know I changed the wording on this scripture
but I have always liked it
and it applies so much in my life right now
We want to control so much
but really
we gain so much
when we let go
we think when we let go
we are losing
but really
we are gaining
with trust
there is such a difference in trust and belief
I have belief in a lot of things
I have belief in God
I have belief in the things right in front of me
But trust
that is a whole different story
to trust is so hard
we believe so much
that is easy
especially for me
since I am so gullible
but I struggle with trust
when we don't trust
we tend to worry
and question
and that gets us into trouble
when we don't trust
we really don't give our lives up
and lose it
we hold on
and therefor
we really do not gain
we lose
because we
try to control
way to much
So I officially
decided today
that I would lose my life
which is ironic
since at the same time I feel like I am losing control
I thought it would be better
to do that
then the latter
So no
I am not losing control
I am losing my life
and this is awesome
because it is not mine
to have
I am living it
but not controlling it
I will roll with the punches
knowing that it could be worse
and really it is good
and when I feel I am at my tipping point
I remind myself
that I really would not have it any other way
I will admit
a lot of times
it is way more hectic
then I would like
I am going to stop telling myself
like I do every week
that next week won't be like this
I have finding that it is
and instead of tricking myself
in to believing that next week it will slow down
I will except that it wont
and that is okay
because it forces me
to stay in the moment
no time to dwell
or doubt
of over think
So just because when Baylen finally goes back to sleep at four am
is when Piper gets up for an hour
and then she settles
when Bay is up again
that is okay
it is okay that it does not fit perfectly
into this perfect
my schedule
I can have a blue print
of what I would like to happen
that is good
to have a plan
but when the plan does not work
it is okay to throw it out the window
and not freak
I feel
it I just allow 30 minutes when I feel like I only need 10
and by three boxes of clorox wipes
when I think I only need one
and know
that the only thing that really is certain in my day is
that God loves me and is with me
and that it most defiantly
will not
go as I had planned it
It has been a fun week
Soccer tryouts
Choral festivals
puppy adoptions
Race directions
Speech contest
Fitness Classes
tons of cleaning
long distances calls to husband
lots of cleaning
take out (which I will not feel guilty about)
lots of coffee
no me time
a few showers (I think)
vet appointments
lunch with kids
meeting with kids classes
Art contests
volunteer work
bible studies
bible school meetings
Gym dog meets with three kids
and only on powerade
(big mistake)
lots of it
cleaning out car
cleaning up paint
and shoes
and so much more then I will mention here
Yes, this is life
this is what it is all about
so no
I will not be ok when this pace slows
it is my job to keep up with it
and I have a feeling
when I do just let go
and let god
I will be surprised
how my anxious attitude
my dwindle
and I will be able
to take a load off
few a few seconds at least I hope...
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