Today was one of those days
that was so busy
I woke up
just thinking about it.
It was one of those days
that you wonder how
it will all happen.
I know others days are way busier
for us
it was one busy day
All good
but busy
teaching class at six
feels like days ago
Had a meeting about bible school
helped in bo and sams class
worked on barrow boogie
saw bo get a student of the month award
took sam to garden club
took the kids to serve the homelesss
took sam to girl scouts
had father in law to dinner
amazingly enough
the kids were in bed
in good spirits
by 8:11
and yes they were
and fed
and brushed teeth
I am so tired
and physically
I feel like with the mind that I have
it gets its own workout
it thinks way to much
I am to tired to even blog about it
Here are some pictures from our super fun
busy day
Sam very proud of all of her patches
Piper enjoying her bones....better then all the other things she would be chewing without them
Baylen went into the pantry and got the big bag, sat, and handed out bones by the handfuls!
He was quite proud of what he was doing
After dinner with pop pop, we did not know where piper was, but she had fallen asleep on the kitchen rug
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