Here is our week in pictures....
Samantha placed first in her age group at the Barrow Boogie!
She was third girl over all!
She also was a finalist in the shirt art contest...
so proud of my pepper!

Another sunny 70 degree day in February

Spending lots of time on the trampoline
making up games like
blue bird blue bird fly fly fly

Baylen kept up too!

Crusing in the green machine

looking good Bo...

Baylen actually took this...

Bo playing star wars...right before he hit me up side the head with
a stick
he did not mean to
but he said he should be grounded forever

When I get the vacuum out, Baylen runs and gets his...everytime!

I had a childhood memory
warm day
breeze coming in the window
hot dog with out a bun
homemade lemonade
ahhh yeah
that was the best!!!
Baylen thinks so too

This is what happens when I think all is calm and I try to take a 20
second shower
Baylen decided to feed Piper
or I should say
re-feed her

Baylen looked so darn cute proped up with his ice cream
he is so proud that he gets dessert with the big kids now

It was a busy week
a fun week
but busy
ready for a slower pace
glad spring is coming
I just want to enjoy
and do not much of anything
but be with my family
and friends
and soak up every minute....
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