It was a wonderful Thanksgiving
Great food
Amazing family
Beautiful day
Could not ask for much more
We even had a dog come visit
that was a mixture of Riley and Walker
It was fun for the kids to play with her in the yard
I remember each year how much I love thanksgiving
The parade in the morning
The smell of food cooking
Pool Tournaments
Sitting down with my huge family of 24
Laughing a lot
Sharing memories
Catching up
Looking towards the future
I feel like time goes so fast
Yet when we are all together
it is like it has stood still
Everyone seems the same
Full of life
Looking forward to next year
But not wishing it away
All I really want is family
Joyful Memories
Peaceful days
and Hope for future memories...

He thought they were as cool and they thought he was
I loved to hear his words for them
" Rudolph the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it
You would even say its gross"
He was not trying to be funny,
he really thought that was the words
He sang a rather large medly
Baylen danced and I loved it
Then he proceeded to go and dress like all three ghosts from The Chistmas Carol
They were sooo funny
He had chains when he was Marley
He put fruit all over him and a beard to be Ghost of Present
and he loved being the reaper for future
He knew exactly what he wanted me to make
He sat and sat
waiting for kids to walk by
so they could sit on his lap and tell them what they wanted...
He melts my heart
He worked hard with daddy outside
to build a winter wonderland...
Baylen was amazed with all the lights...
this will be a very special christmas...
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