I thought a lot today
a lot more then usual
I don't know if it was the sermon
or being with my family
or spending time with Kevin's family
or walking with my parents
or listening to my kids
or working in the garden...
but I did a lot of thinking
I think I think too much
I worry too much
I get bogged down
way to much
I want to be a good person,
yet I know that I am not a perfect person
I want others to know that I know I am not a perfect person
yet I want to try to be the best person I can be
I don't know if I am just insecure
or think too much about what others think
But I want so badly for people to know
that I always mean well
I really do
I don't know when I cross the line of
caring a lot
and seeming like I am judging
The last thing I ever want to do
Is seem like I know it all
I don't
I so don't
But I want to help others
How do you balance that
How do you always come across like you have
others interests in mind
and not your own
How can I radiate positive energy?
I thought about this today,
I thought about it a lot
I have so many things I want to
I get overwhelmed
I want to read every book
listen to every sermon
capture every moment on camera
remember every funny and sweet thing my kids said and did
the list goes on
and on
and on
How do you let go
How do you just live
and enjoy
and not try to do it all
be all
read all
see all
I want to live in a manner
that I know God is
allowing me to see
all that he wants me to
it is a daily battle
when I need to come to him
remind myself that he is indeed boss
and that I am along for the journey
these pictures remind me of that...

I want to enjoy every sweet little bite....

#31 Baptisms
#32 Christmas lights
#33 My kids crawling in bed with me
#34 Italian food
#35 A passionate sermon that gives me chill bumps
oh and yesterday's
#36 Heating pads when you pull your back out
#37 When Georgia wins a game
#38 Having a long Holiday weekend
#39 Reading a book, even if it is just for five minutes
#40 Getting your email inbox under 100
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