as much as I like to be outside, sometimes it is nice to be trapped inside
We did get to go out to the grocery store,
which Baylen adores!
I love going to the grocery store when your kids are in the cart,
There is something about that that is so sweet to me,
I wish I looked at their sweet face more then looking at sale prices,
Baylen got his cookie from the bakery,
Threw his shoes off many times
and helped my eat many of the groceries while in the cart
You can see above he was so tired, he did not even make it home!
I love the look of determination on his face, sleep is so hard
Look at those little hands, he reminds me of Bo here!
Still holding on to that passy hard!
It makes me sad to see the leaves almost all down, yet another season come and gone
A lot like life
The seasons we want to stay don't seem to stay as long as we would like,
But something about those rough ones, seem to linger
I want to start something that I did not finish months ago,
I want to actually count my blessing! At the end of each post I will list five things I am thankful for...
#1 Chubby babies
#2 My kids smiles
#3 The ability to go and get what I need and not worry about it
#4 A family that lives so close to me
#5 My health and my families health, nothing beats it!
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