My kids are amazing, and so are so many other things in life
I feel like I have the best friends out there. This is a random Friday blog where I will list somethings that have been on my mind that make me happy
I have friends that have been checking in with me wanting to know if I am ok
I have been hearing Walker a lot and it makes me SO happy
Baylen loves to play with Walkers tennis ball
Samantha loves to draw dogs with wings
It is a perfectly blue sky today
I am still drinking my jittery joes coffee
we have nothing to do today except go to the UGA homecoming parade and come hom
Baylen laughed today he was crying!
We went to Baylens wellness check up today and he was perfect and I have the best pediatrition out there and Baylen loves him just as much as he loves Baylen
I got some new cowboy boots
I organized a lot today
I got halloween cleaned up
I constantly tell the kids how much I love them
I talk to my mom like 10 times a day
I talk to my wonderful husband daily and he seems so strong and I love him so much
I put a stencil on the wall that I am siked about
Carley cleaned out my computer and it feels SOOOO good
The kids sleep in the bed with me while kevin is gone and we are so cozy
my house is full of healthy snacks
I have some great ideas for Riley and Walkers room/my room
I had lunch with sam today and went to Bos reading groups yesterday
I met a new friend walking by that loved our playhouse and we ended up developing a friendship and she may try our sunday school
That is enough for now...much much more to come....happy Friday and make sure to thank God for all of your blessings!
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