So I often think about lists
yes often I do this
I list out everything
It makes me feel good
My favorite lists are usually ones
that if I did what was on the list
then I would be ultimately healthy
the best mom, wife and friend
have the cleanest house
and most importantly
fit God in there too
My list looks like this...
If I could do all of this in one day
and then repeat it
day after day
then I
would be rich
in many ways....
1. Make time for God through a daily devotion in the garden
2. Make sure I pray with the kids daily
3. Eat five servings of Fruits and Veggies
4. Make sure the kids get five servings of Fruits and Veggies
5. Brush my teeth twice and floss
6. Make sure the kids brush and floss twice
7. Take my vitamins and health juice
8. Make sure the kids take their vitamins and health juice
9. Have one on one time, quality time with each child
10. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
11. Have the right amount of fiber and protein and calcium
11. Not overindulge on sweets or junk food
12. Have a clean house by doing everything on my cleaning chart
(yea I know)
13. Have all my email read, filed and actually use the information that I read
14. Blogged, read others blogs
15. Exercised
16. Take a shower shave, wash my face get dressed etc (really this is on my list)
17. Only drink one glass of wine
18. Not get stressed of flustered with anyone and be on time
19 Write a thank you note
20 Have tea at four
21. Make my husband feel loved and appreciated
22. Have my jobs organized and running smoothly
23. Having my volunteer done
24. Get to bed by 10, reading a magazine, cozy and lights out at 10:30
Yes, these 24 simple request, if I could do these 24 things everyday
I think I would be rich
Maybe I should focus on just one a day
Just one of them
and then by the end of the month I should have them all down
I wonder if anyone feels they can do all of these things
I really doubt it
I really just want to do it all in one day
just one
I keep telling myself that tomorrow will be the day
that I do all 24 things...in one day
We will see
I will let you know
Until then, I will continue to balance
and do what I can do
at that moment
to keep this family afloat
knowing God is watching
and holding us
every step of
the way
#16 UGA football games with my dad to my right and my daughter to my left
#17 Playing in the yard with the kids on fall days
#18 Husbands that go out to get take out
#19 Getting in my pj's to watch football on a Saturday night
#20 Pancakes for breakfast, especially on a Saturday
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