So this is my conversation with Bo on the way home from church,
He says, mommy I think when I go to college I will like a girl, but just like her, and look at her, but I will never marry her, because I don't want to leave you. Okay, so at that point I wanted to stop the car and hug him. If he could only say that again in like fifteen years. Then he said again, so let me get this right. If I marry a girl then I would have to leave you, I said yes, but that would be okay. Then he said, well that really is a hard choice and I just don't know what to do. He proceeded to get very upset, I assured him that it was okay, and that not to be sad and that was a long time away. Then he said, wait a minute. I know! You got married to daddy and me me is still part of your family, so if I get married then you will still be my mommy and I can still see you and talk to you everyday. I said, you got it buddy. Wow, he was like puddy in my hand. I just love this little guy. I can only pray that he will always love me this much. Then I told him that if he did not get married then he would never have kids and that would make me sad because I wanted to be a grandmom! Then he said...no way...I never want you to be a grandmom!!!! You are a mommy. Then Samantha budded in and said dugh Bo, Me Me is a grandmom but she still is a mom, you can be both. She will always be your mom but she will be a me me too, and it does not even matter what you decide because I will have kids, lots of them and I will make her a me me no matter what you do! Wow, deep conversation for a trip home from church. I just love them, and loved that conversation. It got better when Sam and I had girl talk tonight, she said she always wanted to like princesses and know there was Santa and she did not care what anyone said. I love her sweet little heart. I am so glad she is the little girl that she is and it is my goal everyday to let my kids know how much they are loved and how proud I am of who they are. It is nice the days you feel like what you have tried to teach them all this time is paying off. To top it off, Baylen had a big I want mommy day, which deep down I love so much, we had a silly day, lots of giggles and hugs and fun. Even going to the grocery store was awesome. I just love being with that little guy. If I could only freeze time. It gets better, Kevin came home tonight, and we just talked for two hours and it was perfect. I just listened and we were just together and I love him so much. I also had a sad day missing Riley and Walker but Carley just called me and told me she had a dream about them curled up in a laundry basket and cuddly, it really made my night. I so needed to hear that. What a perfect day. Looking forward to tomorrow to do it all over again, I miss my kiddos at night :)
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