So I reflected on a
few things today
I try way to hard to be
I read others blogs
and want to be as good
I see other moms and want to be
well, as good
I see websites and want
to do it all
I see my kids
and want to give them
every moment
of my time
ever raising my voice
I want to write thank-you notes
all day long
to let others know
how much they mean to me
I don't want to ever get
that flutter feeling
in my chest
you know the panic feeling
that I am in a rush,
or that everything is not perfect
I want to enjoy
and not try to be better then anyone
I want to just enjoy
and know that what I am doing
is better
then most
I watched Regis's last day today
I actually teared up
He said this,
he said you do better then most
We don't realize what an impact we have
when we focus so much on what we are not
instead of what we are
Someone once told me
that when you get stressed because you want to
write it all
or say it all
or do it all
not to
because someone else has already
written about it
said it
or is doing it
We don't have to write it all
say it all
or do it all
I have so much to write say and do though
Which reminds me of a verse about
taking it one day at a time
one breath at a time
and not to be anxious
for anything
yes anything
really, anything
Now that is something
that gives me peace.
We had a blessed day
Went shopping for Christmas
Drank coffee
Had a pizza and game night
Missed my Bo at MeMe's
Almost finished Walkers scrapbook
Was it a perfect day
why yes it was...
because it was not perfect
It was better then perfect...

#11 sales at toy stores
#12 when the dishwasher is full and the sink is empty
#13 When the kids do art together at the art table all at the same time
#14 Pizza and game home
#15 A husband that loves me as much as I love him
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