Samantha is really into drawing and I am super
proud of her
She also was chosen by her teacher
along with three others to eat in the room
with the teacher and eat cupcakes tommorrow
for such good behavior
She was SO excited about this
when she got off the bus
It was the coolest thing to watch
and right before he stood up at dinner and sang for us
Bo and Sam were laughing so hard
Tonight was also the first time he has ever sang the blessing with us
Pretty neato

Sam Bo and Bay at the end of the puppet show, yelling Bravo...

I got to keep my sweet nephew Hudson today, He was not so trusting of Baylen
and Baylen was not so sure about him
He is not too keen on not being the baby
And Hudson thinks he gets, well a little too in his space..

They were so cute to watch
Not much got done,
I got about two things off my
"master list" done
But what I did get done was fun
I feel blessed
I feel happy
and I feel I matter
I am so thankful for thanksgiving week
I love this week
I am so looking forward to having the kids home
for five days,
I really am serious....
#26 Playing outside and everyone wants too
#27 Cooking a dinner that everyone likes
#28 Watching your kids puppet show
#29 Watching the kids get off the bus and have so much to say
#30 Getting new magazines in the mail
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