Samantha you earned three patches at brownies tonight and were very excited. We read Bearinstein Bears tonight do on to others as you would have them do on to you and had a great talk about how others treat us and how we need to treat others. You are such a sweet girl that always wants to do good. I am so proud of you. Bo, you were cozy as ever in you footy pj's. I think you must have told me a million times today "I just love you so much" and I enjoyed every minute of it. I enjoyed going to Sam and Bo's school for lunch and playing and reading stories. It was so much fun! Baylen you are starting to copy everything that your brother does, like spitting. You think this is so funny! We had fun today on our outing today to organize and then to Barrow. I tell you, you just go with the flow and love it all. I love watching yall get off the bus, I love it when my dad stops by in the afternoons and I love it when mom keeps the kids because I know it brings her joy. I also finished the day off when my awesome husband with more conversation. I think I love him more each day. He told me tonight that he feels so comfortable around me and that I am the best thing in his life. It made me feel so good, some times I have to pinch myself that I really have him. I am so blessed. I have a husband that adores me as much as I adore him and we have the three most precious kids I could ever imagine. And, knowing that I want another one, I feel that God will give us that if it is in our plan one day. But for now, I am so content. So so content with my perfect family. The kids bring up each day how much they miss Riley and Walker, but Bo assures us that they are still here. So, now I can say, yes, it is okay, because nobody really is missing. We hear them all day long. We talk about them many times too, and we are happy. I am so happy that my kids are capable for such love, they have learned so much. My prayer tonight is for comfort and peace for all that are not in a comfortable and peaceful place. God does calm our anxious heart when we let him.
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