Here is Samantha with one of her great ideas
Thank girl is so creative
I look forward to years to come and what she ends up doing...
For her slumber party she wants me and her me me to do everyones hair
She wanted me to style it a variety of ways and take pictures
So then there can be a slide show that everyone can pick from
Here is one of eight styles
Well, atlest right here they are....
Love the little parade of animals that Baylen has done
Bo said
This is so much better then watching tv because my brain does not turn to jello
He wanted cookies at the end
Sam getting an award for going to atlanta and singing with a group at the choral festival
She ran in honor of Walker...fighting for a cure for cancer
So proud of her
The only dog that beat her was name Riley
pretty amazing....and that dog Riley
was born the same week Riely passed away last year....
so he got one too
the biggest one out there
look at Baylens face
One of my favorites of him!
I think you can tell what he is about to do
Here are the kids making fun things from HomeDepot
Baylen is doing his own thing in the back ground
the cake was yummy
Bert thought so too
Baylen carries Bert most places
for a music jam
Sam: "Really mom, no, really?"
Bo: "Ah, I am so not going in you think we are babies?"
I was rolling I was laughing SO hard....
Samantha and her friend Savanaha before their first dance
Barrow Elementary Dance for Relay for Life
Sam was dancing for grammy and walker
She looks SOOO pretty here
I know I am partial,
but really
she is precious
When I picked her up she said it was the most fun she had had in her LIFE
she was so red...
She loved to pose her

Down time with Piper

Enjoying some cake

There actually was a real fire
Great trip
I loved being with Bo
Treasure the times when your kids want you on a field trip
Clean room...walk out
walk in
She never wants to spend them
I love this system that we have been using
The kids get a ticket at the end of the day if they do all of their chores
they owe me a ticket if they do not
They also earn tickets for doing extra work or beign extra good
they can also loose them for not so good behavior
They can use the tickets to have friends over...go to special places etc
Each ticket also is valued at 50 cents so they can add them up to buy things
Working for a while now
Here is my clown...the kids were kinda impressed

Many Blessings
Many Many Blessings
To many to count
To many to count
that is why I just tell God
thank you
through out the day
all day
We just journey together
It is quite a journey
and I am finding how much better it is
when you let Him drive
instead of fighting for the wheel
I may not like or agree with the road we are one
But Everytime I look back at the trip
I get it
and apprecaite it
and know that we must keep moving forward
and smile
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