Here is Baylen right before he took Piper out to Play
She is getting a lot better
She is only in crazy puppy mode 50% of the time instead of 100%

I love this bloom that was in Grammy and PopPops yard

I love these blue shoes. All three kids wore them

Ready Set..easter egg hunt number 6

Easter Pictures at Mom and Dads
Great lunch
Great company
We are sooooooo Blessed

It is an Easter tradition to follow the trail of eggs that the easter Bunny left

Church hunt
Baylen did better then everyone...He is in the one and under group
I had a lot of mom looks
He is one For Real!

Bo was the only one that dug the easter bunny at hunt number four
Sam said, Mom that is not the real easter bunny
Was squeezing my leg so hard I am surprised I could take the picture... :)

This was so funny!
Baylen picked up a batting helment and a bat
He could not keep his balance because it was so heavy
He entertained everyone

Sam took these pictures
She is taking photography at school
She did a great job
Bo looks so great out there!
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