So I got a new cord for the now its back on!!!!
Not blogg'n is like not having my coffee
or my glass of wine....
So anyway
back on track...
Here are some pictures from our AWESOME trip to Disney on Ice
We took Sam and Bo
and it was so fun
We went to the mall, ate dinner, went to the Lego store
The kids were perfect, grateful
and it was a great night...
she enjoyed it so much I could tell
She was clapping and dancing
yet, a little hesitant
but her true dinsey self shined through
I could not believe how similar they look!

It was so cute, when Sam got home from school she wanted to change into her princess shirt!

I am SO proud of how hard she works
I love love love to watch her face when she plays
She is the cutest thing out there....
Baylen saw Bo doing this on the playgroud, so he got a hat,
and followed him
This makes me smile
if the kids only knew how good they got it! :)
But we had the sprinkler out and bathing suites on
Baylen had a blast
After a few minutes he decided to pull out the rocking chairs and just watch

All baylens idea
looked in the backseat
goggles were on
passy in
ready to go to see Pop Pop
We played all three games many times
so much fun to get one on one time with the older ones...
I loved how he had his little food propped.
I love this time with Baylen in the mornings
He drinks his bottle
we eat breakfast
and he pats the seat next to him and says
Ma MA! Ma MA!
He is so sweet
Tonight he was peeking round the corner in the kitchen and saying
hey Low Hey Low
It was a great day
Did little cleaning
had lunch with Bo
watching Baylen play with bo and Sam on the playground
We had an amazing rain storm
which allowed all three kids to curl up very cozy
and fall asleep with me on couch
It was amazing to have baylen lay in my lap for over and hour
just still as can be
the others trickled in saying they were scared
not sure if they really were
but I didnt care
Can you tell daddy is not home tonight
I would have never gotten away with that.
I have to end with saying this
I am so grateful for the blessings that I have
I followed a blog about a mom that lost her 3 year old "Piper" to cancer today
Her sweet daughter was diagnoised right after she was born.
They have a seven year old also
She speaks of how they have lived in the hospital for the last two plus years.
My heart is heavy
I feel like right when I get axious or in my planning my life out mode
or worried about everything times...
I see something like this
Do I really worry that I am not in the moment with each of my kids all the time
This mom was aching because she felt like she did not pay any attention to her seven year old the last two years
We do all we can
I can honestly say I give my all to these kids everyday
Becuase I am truly in love with them
I do stuggle when I lose my patience sometimes
or can't get the one on one time with each of them most days
But that is okay
I got a lesson today in looking behind me istead of always behind
Knowing that there is some awful times out there
We all go through our storms
I just am enjoying our calm waters right now
I am deciding the I love being in the middle
So often I focus on the people that seem perfect
they eat perfect, do everyting perfect health wise or motherly wise
But then I remember to look behind me
The ones that eat awful
I mean treat there bodies AWFUl
and the ones that are no good mothers in any way
I am glad I can say I fall in the middle
a good place to be
not Obsessive
but caring
thank you lord
for toddlers that are the cutest thing...I love this stage so much I wish I could freeze it
For school lunches on lunch trays
For a daughter that is a mini me and loves to plan, talk and get to the bottom of things....and over thing most things, but we are both working on that
For a awesome boy, that never ever stops he wears me out, but I love it!!!
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