Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Mania it is great idea to watch the night show on the night you are staying in the park for magic hours and then ride rides during the show the next night and then go straight to the bus line it was so fun to do a ride over and over again then we came home Ate in our rooms and crashed
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
day one disney
Then we went. To slash mt again and philamagic. Thee d show then Winnie the pooh ride the Disney carasel where the got the horses they wanted then splash mountain one more time and a train around the park we ended our night at chef mickeys and got to see all the characters come to our table as we ate dinnrer we are now waiting for our bus to go back to hotel at eleven and Bo is out I have to say sam and Bo we're perfect today all
Positive no negative all smiles no complaints I can not say how proud I am of them one time Bo said I am so thankful and Sam was al smiles all day even on the long bus wait we did not wait more then fifteen min for anything and I was never hot it was the perfect day I even got to hear bays day was great and that walker has been with Carley non stoP. And having a blast will post pics when i get home but as for now I am blogging from a little phone god is good. And we are spool blessed more to come tomorw which starts in thirty minutes and our bus just arrived
Blog from the car
Friday, August 26, 2011
random devotion
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
great pics
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
corn on the cob
Monday, August 22, 2011
Do you see something odd here????? Yes, this is the kind of day it has been, after almost giving up on the remote, I go to start the dishwasher to find, ahh, Baylen found a great place for it...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
More Football Sunday
Football Sunday!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
picture day
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Feeling old now
Samantha focused on anything other then what I am trying to tell her, I even took this picture without her noticing...she gets this from her daddy
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Baylens legs
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Realized something
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
1. My three perfect children, husband and dog's
2. A family that loves me as much as I love them and live close by
3. The ability to not have to go to a nine to five job and have to leave my kids everyday
okay four...
4. Coffee with a friend, that was not on the schedule, but happened anyway!

Thursday, August 11, 2011
In a good place
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Daily Delicious
April 10th
Down Deep
A moms devotion
I hope I am getting deeper and deeper with God as I grow older
So often I only let him in a little
at surface level
I want to get to a place where I let God work on every layer
I want to stand strong
Don't See Me
A moms devotion
April 9, 2012
Investigate my life O God
Find out everything about me
Cross examine and test me
get a clear picture of what I am all about
See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong-
then guide me on the road to eternal life.
Psalm 139:23-24
A three year old was doing wrong
When Mommy came by he said
No No Mommy don't see me
How often do we wish God did not see us in the act of sinning?
How often do we sin and hope He will be looking the other way?
I am not bold enough to tell God I am not doing anything wrong when I know I am
We stand under His gaze every hour of the day
He wants to teach us
He wants us to live like Him
Little by Little and by His grace
I get closer everyday
Psalms 8-14
Your work is amazing
You made us lower then the heavens
You put everything out
you made it all
you are so majestic
I will praise you will all of my heart
I will sing praise
You have held me upright
You destroy the wicked
I will tell everyone how great you are
You will judge the world
and bring justice
You are a strong hold in trouble
you do not forsake those who love you
He does not ignore the ones that love him
The needy will not be forgotten
Man will not triumph
let the nations know we are just people
Why do you hide yourself lord when I am weak
The wicked does not seek God
Evil says nothing will shake me
Trouble and evil are under Satan tongue
Evil is like a lion waiting
Victims are crushed
People think God as forgotten
God do not fret the helpless
God sees trouble and weeps
God is the helper of the fatherless
Lord hears our cry
we are of the earth
I take refuge in you
Evil shoots from the shadows
the Lord is on his thrown
The lord loves justice
Help lord
I can not find faithful
everyone lies
everyone deceits
people are boastful
The lord said he will protect us
his words are flawless
He will keep us safe from the wicked
They strut around
How long Lord will you forget me
How long will I be sad
Look on me and answer me
My enemies seem to be willing
But I will trust in you
You have been good to be
The fool says there is no God
The lord looks at us and sees if there are anyone that seeks Him
No body does good
Will evil doers ever learn
God is with the righteously
Monday March 19th
Psalms 1-7
I have failed yet again
I knew I would
the thing is
now I know that I will fail, always fail
and that is okay
because I am not perfect
God is
and it reminds me
how much I need him
to do good
So back to what I was saying
I had all of these goals for Lent
as you notice
my last devotion was over 10 days ago
why did I think I needed a vacation from God while I was on vacation
He was here waiting for me
right where I had left Him
I have decided
these last twenty days of Lent
I will read 7 Psalms a day
I will post them here
I hope this will fill me
so I will be able to show the fruits of the spirit
Love: Love everyone!
Peace: A calm feeling knowing that God is in control
Patience: Knowing that God answers prayers on His time
Kindness: Good deeds
Goodness: Honesty and repenting and forgiving as we are forgiven
Self Control: Not too much of a good thing, or refraining from temptation
Joy: Happiness
Faithfulness: Loyal, a good friend
Gentleness: Being gentle with our words and actions
Psalm One
Blessed is the person that does not walk with the wicked
But He is happy with the Lord
He meditates on His word all day and night
He yields fruit and does not wither
Can't say this about the wicked!
The wind blows them away
The Lord watched over the righteous
the wicked perish
Psalm Two
Why do people plan evil things
People are so against the Lord
God laughs at this
Then He is angry
He warns those that plot evil
He wants us to serve the Lord with fear
Blessed are those who take refuge in the Lord
Psalm Three
Lord, I make so many mistakes
So many seem not to like me
But God
You are my shield
You lift up my head
I sleep and wake again because the Lord gives me strength
I will not fear the thousands against me
Strike my enemies God
From the Lord comes deliverance
Psalm Four
God please answer me when I call you
Give me relief when I get stressed
Please hear my prayers
When I am anger, I am not to sin
Search your heart and be silent
Trust in the Lord
offer sacrifices
Let your light shine upon me
God you fill my heart with Joy
I will sleep in peace because You make me dwell in safety
Psalm Five
Listen to me cry for help
I lay my request to you each morning
And wait
You do not take pleasure in evil
Wicked can not dwell in You
You destroy those that tell lies
Lead me Lord to be righteous
Make straight your way before me
Many tongues speak deceit
Spread your protection over those that take refuge in You
Surely You bless the righteous
and protect with Your shield
Psalm Six
Lord please do not get mad at me
Have mercy on me
heal me, my bones are in agony
My soul hurts
How long will I hurt
Save me because You love me
I am worn out
from weeping
My eyes are weak will saddness
I hope evil is far away from me
Lord, I know You hear me cry
I know my enemies will be ashamed one day
and turn back in disgrace
Psalm Seven
I trust You
So many Hurt me
They rip me to pieces
Lord, if I have done evil and I have guilt
then let my enemies take over me
Judge me too Lord
You search minds and hearts
If you are pregnant with evil
and conceive trouble
you will give birth to disillusionment
The one that digs the hole
falls into the pit he has made
Your violence comes down on your own head
I will thank you God for being righteous
March 6, 2012
The busy moms devotion
Psalm 68:1-4
When the house is full of laughter
we all interact better
and feel better
I want my home to be full of giggles
When my kids come home from school
and swing open the door
I want them to feel joy
Is our home always like this
Most of the time I am madly trying to get something done
Cleaning, dinner or some new project
Sometimes instead of welcoming my family with a big smile...
Sometimes I act as if they are an intrusion
Day to day life can be hard
Sometimes the quiet is nice
We maneuver over the daily grind
But when we allow ourselves to fall into that pattern
When we bark instead of talk
When we frown instead of smile
well, that's just not good
Joy is a choice
When we wake
we choose to encounter our day as
something to be survived
or something to be welcomed
I choose Joy
I want the "grind" to be life
March 2, 2012
The busy mom's devotion
1 John 1:8-10
"We claim we are free from sin, but we only fool ourselves. If we admit our sins, make a clean break of them, He won't let us down. He will forgive us and purge us of all wrongdoings. If we claim that we never sin
we contradict God
make a liar of Him
As our kids grow and change, we have to work to keep up
Whether it is sorting clothes they have grown out of
changing room colors and themes
or getting rid of toys
The work is usually welcomed, but knowing that new and nice things are around the corner.
It is amazing how nice something looks with a fresh coat of paint
all the flaws are covered just like that
This is just like our inner lives
If we give God full rein
He acknowledged our scars and flaws
and changes it
and its done
We only stubbornly remember the marks just beneath the paint
God only sees our new color
The challenge is to adopt the new color
accept his fresh coat of paint
Oh I love love love these words...
I could tatoo this devotion on my forehead!
March 1, 2012
2 Cor 12:9
But he said to me,
My grace is sufficient for you
for my power is made perfect in weakness
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me
For the sake of Christ then I am content
with weakness
For when i am weak
He is strong!
This voice is hard to hear over the condemning ones I hear in my head. It is okay to be weak! It is okay not to know what to do
or how to do it
It is okay to feel lost
need help
not be perfect
It is okay to fail
get things wrong
be weak
Boast at the fact that you are not good enough strong enough or smart enough
to be a good mom!
Watch what God does
Be honest with who you are and who you are not
He is waiting to make his strength perfect in your weakness
Lenton Devotion
Feb 29th 2012
I am really finding that during this lenten time I am trying to return to God
When I feel anxious
I go to him
instead of taking it on myself
I am trying to be near him
not just every once and a while
But say
Hey God
want to come with me when I go to do this
because I am kinda nervous
Hey God
can you tell me what I should do
because I just don't know
and even if you want really tell me
could you put me a peace with my choice
I am really trying to have self examination
really digging deep into who I am
and that is okay
and that the way I am
is awesome
and I am repenting
to trying to ever be what I am not
or what I am called to be
or for doubting, worrying, or judging
I am trying to Pray
now I mean really pray
not just before meals
or with the kids at bed
but a real
Hey God
I am praying to you right now
instead of making a list
or cleaning a closet
I am praying!
I will use time to mediate
whether its driving in the car
during pilates class
or in a brief shower
I plan to let go of my old ways
empty myself
to be filled with the new
and do what I want to do
and not feel bad that when I do not do
as I had planned
I will start again
I am just trying to keep that mindset
during this time of lent
Yearning to find what clutters that calandar and how I can simplify
Lenten Devotion
Feb 28, 2012
Romans 3:23
Luke 23:34
Philipians 4:13
Write down habits that you have that trouble you
Pray for forgiveness and for help
Crumple up the paper
God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change
Courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference
Lord you are my rock and my refuge
Cleanse me and refresh me
Joel 2:12-13
Lent we are to turn to God
We are to return to him with all of our heart
Start over
Empty yourself to be filled with something new
What clutters your calandar and your life
Lenten Devotion
Feb 27, 2012
Matthew 6:15-19
Reminds us to pray
Look at your hands when you pray
We must remember to pray
make it a dicipline
We don't have to give something up at Lent
we can add on
Read Scripture daily
send a note of thanks
add house hold tasks
clean out to remind yourself what really matters
Remind me to pray everyday
Read Luke 23:34
Cleanse me of my sins
Help me learn to pray
and fast
Feb 24th "A Busy Mom's Devotional"
Psalm 91:9-11
Do you have a place you can go
where you feel at rest.
The beach is that for me
It makes you smile
We are to feel this same way when we think of Christ
We are to feel at ease in his company
And miss him when we are distant
We are to make our way to him when we have been gone a while
He helps us cook in the kitchen
relax in the den
take out our garbage
He says come home to me
We are all at home in Gods house
Wherever we are
Feb 23 Lent (From Ash Wed Service)
last night was Ash wednesday and I have learned so very much
For lent this year I will not give up something just these 40 days
or add something
i will do some things that I have been wanting to do for a while
I just hope I can disipline myself
to form a habit
We recognize our own mortality
repent of our sins
and return our life to God
I will strive for simple living
and fasting
I will moderate what I eat
not eating more then a serving of something
I will pray more then I usually do
and put God first with my devotions
I will live simply by not over doing
or being
We get what we don't deserve
really we do
Gods grace
yes, we can say it
just like the sermon last week
we are bad at being good
it is okay to admit
that means you NEED GOD!
I get angry
I have pride
I can't do this on my own Jesus
I need you!I am fully dependent on you!
We think if we do enough good
it will over power the bad
no that is not how it works
None of us are perfect
We need a perfect God to help us
Lent really is a wonderful time
it is somber
but wonderful
It is a time we see what God really does for us!
Feb 22, 2012
Sunset Blooms: A moms Devotional
Matthew 16:24
There is not a baby pulling on me saying mom mom
But God is pulling at me
I am like a dry sponge
A desert thirsty for rain
I feel like I am always managing, schedules
responsibilities, behavior, consequences
There is a layer of stress that I am desperate to peel away...
If I could only prioritize my day
to spend time on what is most important
time with God
and model this to my kids
God is calling us
to come and spend five minutes
five hours
five days
with him
nothing is more important
then that
Find your space and commit it to God
He will do the rest!
God is calling each of us this day to come away and spend five minutes with Him
Noting is more important then that
If He is priority number one
Then I need to find my special time
and commit it to God
He will do the rest
Father what is my deal?
Why am I so wrapped up in my duties
Why do I put it all on myself
Cleanse me lord
forgive my lack of humility
If I prioritize my day
and spend more time with you
I will be a better model
to my kids
and everyone around me
REFUSE WORRY: devotion I used for Youth Bible study
I am definitely addicted to Jittery Joes...
I feel extremely close to God there. I think when all of my kids are finally in school (no rush) I will go there every morning, sit by the window with my laptop and coffee and blog. There is something about the wide hardwood floors that makes me feel like I am in the mountains. Nothing starts your day better then a trip there and to bring it home with you to carry you through your day! So today's devotion is right up my ally, it is on worry.
We must Refuse Worry..This is yet another way to Model Thankfulness....
God is faithful
"Do not be anxious for anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God"
Philippians 4:6
Worry is an indication that we think God can't look after us
Assurance grow in unexpected places! Think of a flower packet. You get one and the flowers look beautiful on the cover, then you open the packet and they are ugly seeds. Just think, life is like this, there are different seasons. There are seasons when we plant the seed, and the seed is ugly and we do not see anything pretty about what is going on. Then that season changes, and a beautiful flower stands before us. Seasons do change, It is not winter all the time, just like it is not summer all the time, just life life, it is not good all the time, but nor is it bad.
How can an ugly little seed produce such a beautiful flower? How many seeds of faith have I planted and then just walked away, while God still tended to them? Even when we are faithless God is still faithful!
Everywhere you turn there are reasons to worry. Do not let yourself stay there long, God is your strength...
"I am always with you, I will hold your right hand"
Psalm 73:23-26
I often worry about death, It kills me to think about leaving my children. But the devil likes this, the devil is loud. He knows how to exaggerate our problems and worries. God uses everyday circumstances to teach us truth and to show us faithfulness. We must enjoy that and not be anxious.
We don't think of it when we voice our fears and worries in front of our kids. We would never think of giving them poison to eat, but teaching them to worry rather then to trust God really is the same. Their roots will be shallow because our are too! When kids have hard people to deal with do they do what we say? Are they calm or do they rage?
It is so tough to teach kindness if we are petty. Hard to teach to trust if we fear. Have to shift cares to faithfulness. Fear over Faith sometimes happens, of course it does! Jesus loves us even then. Let your kids see you ask for forgiveness and a renewed perspective. Use our mistakes to teach forgiveness.
Worry looks at life without God in mind. Every single time I get caught up in worry it is because I have lost my perspective
Do not worry, do not do it!
Don't worry about anything!
Instead pray about everything!
Tell God what you need and don't forget to thank Him for it when He answers!
"Give your attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what might or might not happen tomorrow, God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when time comes"
Matt 6:34
We are the boss of our perspective
We make the choice to entertain worry or walk away from it
Gods promises are often linked to our obedience. When we love Him and trust to do what He asks of us, we can know that we are in the center of His will
"If the lord delights in a mans way, he makes his steps firm though he may stumble he will not fall"
Psalm 37:23-26
My God will supply all of our needs according to His riches, not mine
It is amazing how those seeds will take root when you hear your own kids say things like, Mom Jesus is working on that, or lets pray about it. Sometimes the bigness of their faith confronts the smallness of mine.
We love our children best when we love Him most, The more connected you are to Him the more assured you'll be of His faithfulness and your kids.
He will have not fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast and trusting the Lord
Psalm 112:1-9
One of the best gifts you can give your kids is the gift of assurance, modeled by a heart of peace. Not that you will pretend everything is ok when it not but amidst your heartaches and struggles you can kneel down to your child's level look int her eyes pull them close and let them hear you say, God will not forsake us
What we sow we grow
Refuse worry and embrace Faith every change you get!
Model a humble and thankful heart, refuse to give your kids everything they want, but assure them God will provide them with everything they need. Take Gods offer of peace in every season
This week I want to try to...
as soon as worry creeps up, I will bring it to God and read Philippians 4:6
Practice gratitude out loud every day
Post bible verses that help me with worry
Pray with my kids and teach them how to thank God
Walk my kids through worried times
Forgive me for the ways that I am prone to worry. I forget that You are always good and faithful. Lead me in your everlasting way. For my worry is a result of my won disobedience, show me how to make it right. Help me to live in the center of your will. Help me to cultivate peace and rest in the home. I trust in You and I will not be afraid.
My Own Devotion: 1 Peter 3:8-9
So today's devotion is pretty simple, but simple is what I like these days. It amazes me that God seems to show me each day what I am craving. As I laid awake most of the night last night, wondering how I can be a better mom by balancing being their friend and parent at the same's devotion really sums it up. Treat others like you would like to be treated. That really is all I need to teach them. Samantha, lets not sassy talk your mommy and scream at your brother because you don't like it if I sassed you or yelled at you. Bo, lets not hit our grandaddy even if you are just playing, because you would whale if someone did that to you, Baylen, well, Baylen you are doing just too Walker... :)
Yes, I think if I can tell them this daily and most importantly live it, it may even stick. I want to give them what they want, but sometimes giving them what they want and letting them have a little too much control really is not giving them what they need. I want my children to be greatful and kind. I think they will be if we live like Jesus want us to and live this simple truth.
Camp Anxiety: A moms devotion
Be agreeable...Be sympathetic....Be loving....Be compassionate....Be humble...
It is my job to bless others and therefore I too will be blessed
We are always so busy judging others, lets get more busy loving others.
1 Peter 3:8-9
Genesis 25: My own devotion
Today's devotion was not from my devotional, but from some things that I have witnessed and seen, which in turn reminded me of a sermon I heard from church last weekend. It is all about how we want signs from God. We often say, God if you do this then I will have faith. I often do this. I want to bargain with God or have him show me the way, when really I must remember that that is not what faith is all about. Yes, he makes the plans for us, he wants us to be happy, safe and the best for us. But, we have a choice. Sometimes we make the wrong choice, should we blame God, no. Just like sometimes when we make the right choice do we always thank God, no. We often times question Him in the bad times, yet don't thank Him in the good ones. Sometimes when I worry if I am doing the right thing or if what I am doing will lead to good, this worry really is a lack of faith. Anything worth doing is going to be hard, or everyone would be doing it. There really is not much difference between someone that fails and someone succeeds. The difference is commitment. You could be moving at snails pace, but are you committed? Most times the person who is successful and the one who fails really had the same amount of failure in the begining, it is just the one that succeeded stayed committed and the one that failed did not. We too often have a vision of what is right in front of us. We want proof.
I also got to thinking about how today really is my story, just like yesterday was and tomorrow will be. Our day is not wasted, it is all part of our book. That is why I can't write a book, because it would need a new chapter each day. I could not just cut it off. A day is not waisted if you learn from it and love in it.
I also have found that each time I start to worry or wonder something happened that gets me right back on track. Its like I am starting to weave over in my lane and something jerks me back. Like today in the grocery store, I was going over in my head, now is this really the best buy, should I buy this brand or not...then a lady collapsed right next to me. I got down with her and another women and I motioned for someone to call 911. Right there, bam, perspective. Who cares if I got the right snacks for the kids, my kids were okay, that was all that mattered. Then the other day, I was wondering about something and flashing lights behind me. A police pulled me over for not wearing my seat belt. What a blessing this was. I may have been in a wreck in a few days, but now Bo screams to me to buckle up every time we get into the car, its all about perspective. I also saw a commercial about texting, and how it is such a problem. They showed a text from a mom that said, this is the text my daughter was reading when she ran into a tree and died. It can happen so fast, are we too involved in looking every which way. We have to balance not having such a short line of vision where we can't look into the future, yet short enough where we are enjoying the moment. It is like I have to tell my kids constantly, enjoy the moment, be grateful, don't worry about what you don't have, look at what you do have. But I also want them to see the big picture and know that God is good, and even if we are in a bad time right now, press on, stay committed and you will be on top again. God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good. Today, tomorrow and yesterday.
Random Devotion
Bo asking if there are any questions about his dog Walker, his show and tell!
Love how walker looks like he is looking at Bo like, am I really doing this right now?
Bo waiting for his class to come out and see his show and tell..Baylen catching bubbles
In a daze...
Today's devotion is two fold. I went to lunch with Bo and took walker for his show and tell, that was more then God could ever speak to me through a devotion! It was perfect. It was fun eating my very first ever lunch with Bo, just me and him, no Baylen or Sam to steal my attention. I brought him his favorite Burrito! When the lights went off he told me I had to be quiet and if I was not then I had to go to the principals office and get paddled. Yikes! Bo's class read a book about Boomer the dog went to school so of course Bo wanted to take his dog! Walker was a huge hit! Bo was so proud. He asked everyone if they had any questions. Then as I was walking back I got to see Samantha also, she was happy to see Walker, more so then me I think. It was a perfect hour. Walker got a lot of love, Bo was prouder then ever, and Samantha looked like she was having a blast. Not to mention today Baylen said MaMa for the first time and we played for hours blowing bubbles and in the yard....great day...God is good...and know he is hanging with Riley smiling down. :)
"Gods gifts put mans dreams to shame"
"I will supply you all of your needs according to my riches not yours"
Today's devotion was perfect for me, since I have been struggling a bit lately with having both fear and faith at the same time, they do not go together! This is a bible study that I am teaching tonight from a book by Susie Larson and growing grateful...
"Gods gifts put mans dreams to shame"
"I will supply you all of your needs according to my riches not yours"
"It is a good thing to have all the props pulled out from under us occasionally, it gives us some sense of what is rock under our feet and what is sand"
We are often tempted by fear, but you are faithful. Give us the bigger picture and perspective. You know our needs. We praise you. Open our eyes so we can see you in the many surprising ways you plan on showing us along the way. Help me to remember that you are always good. You are always working and always thinking of me. Forgive me for my tendency to grumble, complain and worry. Remind me to practice gratitude everyday, Help me to voice my blessings far more then my burdens. Help me have expectant faith!
"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ" Philippians 4:19
Balance:youth Bible study
I can't believe how much God works in our lives. The minute I take on so much I am reminded that God is sayin "I got this".
can't I remember
this daily
does it take
for me to
say, oh yea
I was struggling yesterday
with balance
Everyday I do this
Every day I say,
today is the last day
I am five minutes late
Today is the last
day I feel frustrated
Today is the last day I am
down on myself
Today is the last day I try to be four places
at one time
I could go on and on,
But I realized today
that the day I
find perfect balance
I will no longer be
here on this earth...
I will be in heaven,
the perfect place.
Like I have said before,
Until Riley died I can
honestly say I did not believe
in my heart that heaven was the
perfect place.
I said it
I knew it
I was told it
But I did not believe it
No sir, not for me...
Sounds great and all but I can't picture that place.
Now I know Riley is there waiting,
for some reason that does not sound
scary anymore.
The fact that I know that she is there
and all is balanced and good
and that I will see my loved ones there again
Yes, I can do that
Not saying I want to go now, I still
struggle everyday with the thought
of leaving my kids,
But when I do lose someone I love,
I know I will see them again,
I know that when I go,
I will have balance.
But while I am here,
my goal is not to have balance,
but to be happy with the shaky feeling,
Look at it will a grateful heart instead of a frustrated one
Know that I am doing the best that I can,
Here are some things that I often worry about...
Do I schedule enough, am I too scheduled
Does Sam know I love her when I am with Bo
Does Bo know I love him when I am with Baylen
Does Baylen Know I love him when I am with Sam
Does Daddy know I love him when I am with Walker
Does Walker know I love him when I am doing a million
other things and just stepping over him?
Do I teach my kids by not giving them all they want or do I deprive them when
I don't and they look at me with that disapointed look?
Do I make them eat too healthy?
Do they eat healthy enough?
Am I balancing my work with being a mom,
Do I get too consumed?
Do I let my husband know how much I love him
Do I let my parents know how they are the most
perfect parents I could ever have
Do I let people know how much they mean to me
I realized also that God shows us things when we need them. Just when
I was thinking all of this I opened a friends blog on affirmation. She too had
taken the love languages quiz like I recently have,
and her love language, like mine, is
words of affirmation
Why do I need everyones approval
Why do I worry so much
Why do I think I am not good enough
My kids love me, and it is okay
if I am not perfect
I need to learn how to be happy
without being perfect
I need to learn how not to perfect myself to death.
I want to do things because I want to do them,
not to get a pat on the back or a you are awesome.
I prayed today during devotional that I could find balance in not
being balanced.
That being shaky is okay, as long as I am
doing what I love and loving what I do.
I think that all three are so important and the true balance
is that you allow yourself to have all three within eachother.
Love God while you love your family
Love your Family while you are loving others
Love others while you are with your family,
and knowing that God's got it all
in the palm of His hand.
Lord Teach me to be gracious, grateful, peaceful and content...
I do not need affirmation from anyone but you....
Help me to show others your love through my actions everyday...
John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy,
I have come that they may have life and have it to the full"
I listened to a sermon today about not hitting rock bottom but having a rock bottom so when the storm comes you have something to stand on.
The sermon was based on
John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy,
I have come that they may have life and have it to the full"
What is abundance?
Is it driving the best car, having the biggest house, having not only what you need but what you want, never being sick? Always get your way...what is your formula for abundance?
Jesus talks a lot about money, but never about how we should accumulate it, but how we should share it and how we should be very careful that it is not our master.
Know what you are doing
Believe in what you are doing
Love what you are doing
That is abundant life
That is what Jesus wants,
He wants us to be happy and to have something to live on, die for and to love.
Build something to live on, don't be like the man that build his house on sand, when life is a challenge you better have your house on a rock.
Will you believe?
Our past is forgiven
Our present is being infused with hope
Our future ensures it!
Seeing is believing is what we often hear, but it really is believing is seeing...
We all look at the same thing sometimes and can all see it differently, what do you see when you see the grand canyon? It is the same thing, but all have a different take.
We don't have to know all of the commandments, God says just know one and the rest are gravy, because if you live this one out, the others will come natural.
"Love your God and your neighbor"
At some point we disappoint each other, others disappoint us and we disappoint others.
No reason to go looking elsewhere, because you will be disappointed there too.
God calls us to believe in each other. Mr. Rogers always said everyone wants to be loved and everyone is lovable.
We are not who we were yesterday
We will not be tomorrow who we are today
We are always transforming
The process of life is becoming...God transforms our lives...
God gets into our sticky mess and brings good, He is gracious and we should be too!
A man was invited to dinner at a families house and he ate his peas with a knife.
The little girls laughed at him. Then the dad started to do it and it was hard, before you knew it they were all trying and realized what a talent it was. You could just laugh at others, or you could look at them graciously and be transformed. Now the family always eats their peas with a knife. And when they do they remember that they are to be gracious and grateful.
Don't you want to always be remembered that you always were gracious and loved others...
isn't that abundance?
A man always went to the end of the pier and fed shrimp to the seagulls. Years before he was stranded on a boat and held his head down knowing he would die and that he had lost hope. Then he felt a seagull and knew that land was near and that if he caught that seagull he could hang on, so he did, he ate it and used parts to fish and eat fish. Sure enough he was rescued. He said he feeds the seagulls everyday out of gratitude. He is gracious, and that my friend is living an abundant life.
Having Fun:My devotion
First I want to blessed I am that I am sitting here on my daughters bed, fan on, in complete quiet as Baylen naps, with Walker at me feet, he is a soft foot rub, he is napping and I can feel my toes go up and down as he breaths in and out...If I could just bottle up this feeling of peace and sell it I would make a lot of money...but this is my true happiness....I will keep it to myself....never knowing what the future holds...when I no longer have a baby napping or a doggie at my feet, I will have them memories because of this blog, and I will have so many more fun adventures to come....
Today I read about Having Fun
God wants us to have, wish I did not feel so guilty about it sometimes...
We must take time to play
"Our loving God wills that we eat, drink and be merry"
Amidst the daily grind of laundry, dishes and whatever else is thrown our way, we should still find time to bake cookies, fill water balloons, and judge pretend barbie beauty pageant's and gymnastic meets.
We should allow for sleepovers, host neighborhood get together, and cook dinner and eat as a family. Often
All of these things show our kids a constant celebration of life!
Let the kids have "a blast" let them make forts on the weekend, sleep in them, pop popcorn, watch movies, and camp out!
Have dads play little silly games like having the kids run across the living room and trying to hit them with a pillow...
Have your kids engage in their own playtime. Life is a gift worth celebrating in both the good and bad times. God carries the world on His shoulders so we don't have to! When we still play in the hard times, we send a message to our kids that we believe God is in control and that He is faithful...
When we spend time with our kids they know they are valuable to us. Making room for fun is like planting seeds of faith in the landscape of our lives. If we take ourselves too seriously we are missing out on some of the best parts...
We live in trying times. Faith and gratitude are appropriate in all seasons of life
We should not try and spiritualize everything, just plant those seeds
Water fights, lemonade stands, movie nights, and story times are like streams of refreshment in the dry times in life.
The Lord directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives
Psalm 37:23
Every good gift comes from above James 1:17
God has a great sense of humor and he also is a great father and protector.
Take time to play, but don't just play
Model this everyday....
Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 37:8
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart
Psalm 37:4
What does delight mean? It means to be pampered, How do you pamper yourself? Do you pamper you marraige? How do you pamper yourself in the Lord? Go on a date, spend time talking with God just to be there, not to ask for something. Pamper yourself with His presence.
The word delight also means to be happy happy about God coming through to us through trails. Remember things , live in the moment and dream. Finding joy in Gods perspective regardless of your current circumstances.
To delight also means to make a sport of....Acknowledge God in every fun thing that you do and remind yourself that I am His and He is mine, Make time to enjoy your family, thank God when you are biking a trail, or sitting on the porch sipping lemonade.
He mentions our name to someone in a position to help us, or to influence. He opens doors for us. Instead of straining to get our way, we rest on God.
That is what Cease striving and know that He is God means!!!!! Psalm 46:10
HE knows your name,
He knows where you live
If we delight in Him, He will establish us
Thirty Six Miles from Camp: A moms devotion
I am constantly coaching myself to make room for God to move,
to live aloud in my life reather than be stifled by me.
This is hard.
I get stretched in ways I don't wish to be stretched. But in the end it is always good.
Because God is good.
All the time
God you are alive and well,
your spirit is within me
Help me recognize stress and trouble as opportunites for you to minister to me,
Help me enbrace such days with joy and faithfullness,
I long to be worthy
As the cool fall breeze comes through the open windows in my house,
I just breath,
enjoy and smile
After watching My baby today love on my baby nephew,
I just breath, enjoy and smile
Knowing that as soon as it is peaceful,
crazy can come right around the corner. But for now, I will enjoy the breeze,
the smell of freshly mopped floors,
a fridge full of healthy food and just breath and thank God for the times I feel weak the stronger I really become...
2 Corinthisan 12:7-10
Ask For Wisdom:youth bible study
God Is Is Generous
"Rescue me from the person who tells me of life and omits Christ, who is wise in the ways of the world and ignores the movement of the Spirit"
My days are a blur
Little time to stop and smell the flowers
Mounds of Laundry
Stacks of dishes
piles of mail
toys scattered in the house and yard
Keeps me hopping from one thing to the next
I take a deep breath
Just for a minute
Look out the window and see the trees responding to the wind.
It is God whispering, but what was he saying
My kids often ask, how do I know to do the right thing versus the wrong thing
It is like I sometimes don't know the difference between Gods voice and the Devil
It can be so tricky
You know your mothers voice, your dads voice
When you spend so much time with someone you know their voice, the same holds true with God
It is like when you are on a hike, right with your mom or dad
You don't want to get lost or hurt, so you stay close
Then you get curious,
you slow, you wander a little
Pretty soon there is a lot of space between you and you can't see mom or dad anymore
It would be easy for someone to slip inbetween and trick you, if you were distracted
If we allow ourselves to get too busy with life where we forget about God,
We are easy targets for the devil
In 1 Peter 5:8 it says the devil prowls around looking for someone to
devour and confuse
God does not move away from us, we move away from him
"My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me" John 10:27
I enjoy having family discussions with the kids as often as possible
We need to make it a weekly habit
Next time we do I will bring this up to them...
What would you do if the bank offered you free money, take all you want?
Well, God has given us something similar, yet worth so much more.
James 1:5
Wisdom:youth bible study
All we have to do is ask for it and God will supply generous amounts of it
Wisdom keeps you out of trouble, money can't always do that
Wisdom can help you in relationships, money can't
Wisdom guides you through hardships, make choices and much more
I ask for wisdom many times a day
"If nay of you lack wisdom he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him"
James 1:5
There is no one size fits all parenting manual
God directs us while we are outside playing
in the grocery store
or observing another mom with her child
We should always be in a state of expectancy and leave room for God to come in as He likes
I want to be an in control mom
But when I am not
I should tell my kids I am sorry, and that I am praying for wisdom
We need wisdom because we are a work in progress
Sometimes we parent out of reaction to the moment
but we need to parent to the bigger picture of what God is doing all around us
Isaiah 8:13-14
Do not fear anything except the Lord He alone is the Holy One If you fear Him you need fear nothing else, he will keep you safe
Fear looks at life without God in mind, and yet this God that we serve is mighty and strong and true
A million things could happen
but many never will
Fear opens the door to worry
fear keeps us from going to the place God wants for us to go,
it cripples us and faith sets us free
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious for anything
A stable trusting heart is the best gift we can give our kids
Teach me your ways oh lord fro you are My God may your good Spirit lead me on level ground
Psalm 143:10
Pray on Psalm 139:23-24
Memorize James 1:5 and live it
Old Sermon
I re listened to a sermon today
And now I know why
It was what God wanted me to hear today!
Started off talking about how your dog thinks you are awesome
What person is so excited to see you each day
Shakes crazy
Is never in a bad mood
an dis so loyal
We do not meet people like that
Spoke of a book "call of the Wild"
I have to read that
About a man and the love between he and his dog
He whispered in the dogs ear, "As you love me"
The dog was motivated to do what other thought he could not do
Just by his owner saying this
Genuine love is more then a feeling
It is when a storm comes and you keep going
Love at first site is easy, but what about love after 40 years?
It got me thinking about my love for my kids and dogs
Yes, I am tired, but I would do anything for my kids
This is when I had the ah ha moment
If you show love, really show love, then that is doing more then God would ever want from you
I feel so down on myself sometimes, but I got this!
Lately I feel down because I feel like I love too much
Why am I so sad Riley is gone....because I loved her so much
Why am I so sad to think Walker is hurting...because I love him so much
Why do I get sad when my kids grow up, or when I can't be with them, because I love them so much
Why do I get homesick, because I love being with my family...
I do love deep, I thought too deep, but I would rather love too deep and love
then not to love and not have heartache.
I want to be my kids cheerleader, their go to person, their rock, their spiritual role model
their safe haven
Love is what drives me
Real love moves us to act
Jesus says to love one another like He loved us
Then everyone will know we belong to Him
Our behavior does not always reflect our love
We need to look our for each other, feel compassion, do what we would want them to do for us
Love at the right moment can be liberating!
Calling it love does not make it love
We know if when we feel it and experience it
Love is the most important thing we will ever do
I got that!
and yet again, the storm continues..a devotion done by me!
I tell you, right when I start to stray, and think I am in control
God reminds me
He is in control
God did not send the bad
But he is with us through the bad
We will never be happy and at peace all the time
You can think about this and worry
Or, you can think about it and it will make you happy
because you will enjoy the happy times even more
I look at things so differently now
I have no tolerance for negativity
None at all
In fact I have to walk away...really people...does it really matter in the scheme of things
The things I hear people gripe and complain about or worry about it mind boggling...and yet I catch myself doing it daily, believe me....I am starting with myself!
The only people that I can tolerate it from are kids
They do not know better
they are suppose to live in a bubble
I do want them to be grateful though and I am trying so hard to teach mine this,
But I can understand when they have fits over little things
Us adults should know better
Right when I try to be perfect I realize that there is no need
What I need to do is what I think at that moment is the right thing to do
If I chose right, then great, enjoy
If I chose wrong, don't dwell, learn and more on
No what if thinking here
Everything happens for a reason
God will teach us through everything no matter what
He will not take the pain away, but will be with us through the pain
We love and have to let go, let go and still love
I have to say I enjoy a sunday fall day in the yard sitting in the sun more then I ever have before
Goals for this week
Be the best wife, mom, daughter, friend, sister, grandaughter, niece, cousin that I can be
The rest will fall into place
"Stinky Feet" Mom devotional
If we claim we are free of sin, we are only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is nonsense. On the other hand if we admit our sins make a clean heart, he won't let us donw, he will be true and He will forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing
1 John 1:5-9
This is like when you have stinky feet, the kind that smell good to you but not to others. This is like the sins in our lives. If we live with some of our sins long enough we don't notice them, but others do, God does. What is your stinky feet, pride, jelousy, anger, gluttony, greed..
I think mine is worry and perfectionism
Smell me lord, and give me your sense of smell!
Katherine Wolf-a blog that I follow...she truly inspires me. Here are some things I have read from her blog...
So I have been reading about a girl named Katherine Wolf for three years now. She has truly inspired me. She had a near death experience and lived to tell about how it strengthed her faith. She is still not able to so many of the things that we take for granted, and she still is having surgeries. I wanted to share a few things that I have learned from her that I feel inspire me!
Work and Pray Work and Pray and Work and Pray somemore
FAITH HOPE PRAYER ATTITUDE will carry you through anything
We can't control what happens to us in this life,, what we do have is control over our response to what happens to us
Celebrate life anyway! Even if it is not waht you thought it would be, Expectations can destroy the potential for a wonderful though different, future experience. Enjoy life reguardless!
Perspective is truly the key!
If you are thankful when life was easy how can you not have gratitude when things are rough?
Be greatful in the storm, for all things that have NOT happened instead of focusing on what did happen
ADL's these are activities of daily living praise them!
Don't wait to celebrate!
Life is tough for everyone! We are all fighting battles, and defeating difficulties, We are all fragile.
Celebrate all the trips to the grocery store, we are too blessed to be bitter, Love food, food makes me happy! Brunches are the best!
2 Corithians 1
Help each other
Have fresh flowers around
Cling to hope, we must trust
Hebrew 6:19
Katherine says we should try trader joe organic ginger pear white tea
Just do it, take a vacation, what are you waiting for
Just have fun, in the yard, in a hammock, by a kiddy pool, taking a nap together, just celebrate!
Thank you Katherine Wolf for teacing me these things and help me to continue having the attitude that you carry!
I have been meaning to blog about some devotions that I have recently read...this is a lot...I plan to post daily on the devotion that I have for the day...but here are some good ones that I have had this summer, just need to work on living them!"The Busy Mom's Devotional" byLisa Bergren
God is in control of the big stuff, we have to have him at the core, do core work. It is all about balance, as if we were doing Pilates, God wants us to make sure our core is strong with him!
Ephesians 1:15-21
Slow Down, take baby steps. Celebrate the small victories. Just put one foot infront of the other to get closer to your goal
Lamentaions 3:20-23
God protects us, He makes up the difference when we are weak, Satan attacks when we are weak and not looking
Eph 6:10-18
Make me look at you God when I get strung out, We get so busy and kids want our attention and we just don't look at them, that is how God feels, he takes our cheeks as if our toddler does and says, look at me!
John 10:24-28
Know the difference between your wants and your needs
Isaiah 33:10-16
We choose to look for the sun when life seems grey, Christ is the Sun! Attitude is choice
Matt 5:14-16
God is the timekeeper. Enjoy every little moment..Big and small be proud
Matt 6:34
We stray, but GOd wants us to study His word, Get your priorities straight
Psalm 26:1-3
I am afraid of loved ones getting hurt, Prayer helps to let our loved ones not make bad choices or innocent ones that would cause harm otherwise
Proverbs 4:10-15
God Bless you means God interupt you
Deuteronomy 30: 19-20
Like riding a bike it is all about balance, Don't worry, you can feel the balance on a bike, sorry I worry about things, Help me to feel the balance, can't you feel God catching you when you wobble?
Genesis 28:13-15
When we are weed free it is short lived. We have to examine the soil in our lives daily! How is the soil in your spiritual garden, We have many weeds, jelousy, greed, worry, envy....
Matt 13:18-23
Be happy with the body that you have
1 Thess 5:23-24
I am just as good as the other person, Why do I think I am not worthy?
John 3:16
I obsess. We think of the future or think of the past why not emmerse ourselves in the present, can't live in fear, just praise the present
Isaiah 29:15-16
Bottle feeding our babies, weaning them is like how God must feel, God wants us to celebrate our steps, but wants to cradle us close, wants to urge us but hold on to us How do I encourage not smother give space but be near?
1 Peter 2:1-3
Confess when you blow it! It is Gods plan, not ours. Life is full of go Fish moments, like the game. You don't know what you may get or what life will deal ya. Whatever you do pull, GOd is there
Psalm 34:14-19
Communion reminds us that he is all that we need, He lives in us
Matt 26:26-29
We get frustrated when we don't understand someone, this is how God feels, language barrier with Him. It is not when GOd shows up, it is when we do our part to bridge the gap, Make that path worn!
Isaiah 11:1-2
When do I embarass God? When am I the ugly person, we often point fingers when am I the one that God is looking at like we look at others being rude
Luke 24:45-48
Help me know where to say yes or no, Wounds take time to heal, salt water stings, and heals at the same time
Proverbs 12:13-18
Need to live in community with eachother, we need to live in peace
James 3:17-18
Find strength when we are weak, Feel uneasy sometimes, be brace need Gods protection
Psalm 34:4-8
Dont get abosorbed in day to day and lose track of God, Are you in a "night" right now, daybreak will come! Trust in the lord and Hold on! Don be narrow minded
Romans 13:11-14
Candle image, we are a box, Candle is knowing God, wick is long so easy to lite, the flame dancing is the holy spirit, we are the window to let the light shine!
Phil 2:15-16
Wow, being content with every circumstance, life can change in an instant, what does life hold for me today, Joy or tradgedy, everyday is an adventure, God stays the same
Phil 4:11-13
You will be strong when you settle down and depend on God. You are so unwilling to do this, We are like baby birds calling to our father, Sqwaking is what GOd wants! HE wants us to cry out to Him often, big and small things, it's His gig! He is the mother robin role, takes care of the day to day needs, teaches us to fly. Forgive me for racing ahead and taking life in my own hands, let me depend on ou God takes time to do things right!
Isaiah 30:15
God's plans are to take care of me. Not to abandon me. He listens. Go to Him. Are you doing what you were born to do? It should be your goal. Satan puts things out there for us to be discouraged, Pray for Gods direction and ignore the enemy! The process is slow, our job is to stay on the path, moving forward, find peace in the journey!
Jeremiah 29:10-14
Inedpendence Day! God does not want my independence, He wants dependence on Him! We feel secure relying on ourselves, and we think God is rather iffy. I know GOd can do things, He just sometimes does not do what I want Him to do, learning to depend on Him is hard! Trust His timing daily. Hard to submit! Thanks for keeping with me GOd! Thank you for your grace! I submit my life to you!
1 Thess 5:23-24
God cares about the flowers, so He cares about me! We have three days like flowers, die suffer or bloom! We have dieing days, we have suffering days and we have blooming days, God is always shielding, watering and fertilizing....
Matt 6:30-33