We started the morning with Bo breaking my rearview mirror
which in itself does not sound magical
but what happened afterwards
was amazing
I told him that he was going to have to pay for that
he proceeded to be very upset
Samantha went and emptied her piggy bank
She told me that she did not need her money
that she had everything that she needed
It brought tears to my eyes
hers too
she could feel that something strange had come over her
I could tell she was wondering if the deed that had come over her
was really right
but then she seemed
content with it
like that is what giving was all about
it was truly amazing
and amazing all around
Bo then
went to get his money
and gave it to me
to buy food
because he said that was a need
not a want
I think
we got it
Baylen on the other hand
continues to get christmas presents from under the tree
to use as steps
to climb onto things
like the picture below
when he is trying to reach Ryan the elf
We found Ryan playing connect four with a rescue hero
quite funny
Daddy was off to Lowes again
bought some more blow ups
we were told not to look outside
he spent a lot of the night last night
in the pouring rain
fixing them just right
I think it is his way
of coping with all that is going on
it is so sad
our hearts are heavy
but he amazes me everyday
with how he is so strong
our conversations contined last night
I love to just listen to him talk
and love
I told him last night that he is truly amazing
the most giving We stayed up wrapping gifts last night
and just talked
and talked
Bo loved all of the decorations
he was out there with his tool belt
setting up too
He actually was hugging the snowglobe blow up
Granddaddy stopped by
just at the right time
to lend a hand
to our Clarke Grisswald christmas
Bo recieved a "Christmas Award"
it was hanging on our door
He is displaying it proudly
We ended the day
with a picnic dinner
infront of the tv
watching a christmas movie
Walkers garden plaque came in
I love love it
Makes me feel so good
to see it complete....
Can't beleive Santa is coming tomorrow
So excited
so so excited....
I love your magical lights in your yard. We'll be doing a drive by tonight to see them on our tour of lights!