Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Daily Delicious

So I think if I could have one day, just one, where I got up at 6:00 am...had no kids until 6:00 pm...I could get so much done in my house that I felt like I did not have a million little things to do everyday. The thing is, part of the list is laundry, dishes, floors, bathrooms, sheets, toys, clothes etc etc that get done that day but return the very next. I know that is just part of it, but it reminds me that we are never caught up in life. This is life. I think of my mother in law often battling cancer. I wonder how when you know you may not be here much longer how it changes your perspective. Like, does it really matter if you bathroom is clean, or if you gained five pounds, or if you got a really cute pair of jeans, or if you clipped enough coupons? I admire her so for not having that kind of thinking, she does care that she gained five pounds, that she got something on sale and that she likes how her wig looks. I tell you it is a daily struggle for me to be the mom that does the crafts, decorations etc...which takes up time, makes a mess...or the mom that does not do that, yet surly I would be more together and not feeling like I was always cleaning up. I know many say I have the rest of my life to clean...but really...I feel I am doing the bear minimum and some days I am swimming in laundry, dog hair, yogurt and juice spills and random food that Bo has stuffed somewhere that he did not like (aka the burrito I found in the pullout chair tonight...we had burritos last week) No wonder Walker had been sniffing there...Anyways...I know I am rambling on, but back to my first point..sometimes I feel if I could just take a day to catch up, really catch up then I could be caught up, even if it was just for a day. I realize more and more I really need to weed the clutter out of my house and me. Pick the stuff that really matters. I don't need all of this "junk". Why do I have 10 coffee mugs, 10 calandars, 10 coats, purses, brushes, on and on. I need to purge, in many areas. I need to purge my stuff...I need to purge the things in my life that I do not enjoy, or bring me down, I need to purge my worries, my plans...give those to God. I need to go through each room and figure out why do I have this, why am I holding on. I need to figure out what is most important picture wise, craft wise, food wise, book wise, movie wise, makeup wise, cleaners!
I want to have time for the important things, the cuddles at night, the books before bed, the reading a book just for fun in bed before I turn out the lights. Right now it is what do I do to catch up...all the time....I often wonder how other moms do it....I just want to give my three kids and walker my all all the time...but sometimes I feel I string myself I at a muffin and three cups of coffee, really that is not good. Need to be better, need to have a plan. I have been nursing dogs for four months now and it is taking its toll, I would not change it for the world, but on top of everything else, they are really pulling at my heart strings emotionally and physically. Walker was not able to use one of his back legs today. He is tired, but hanging on. I love him, I love how Bo is an author and he announced that to his class today, I love how Samantha told me today that I did the best job ever on her Halloween costume and then she wanted me to read a princess story tonight, I love how Baylen brought me a book to read and we did, and he snuggled, and it was awesome. I love how Walker was just there, and how he lays his head on a pillow like he is a person....I love my husband for juggling so many balls in the air at one time....I love my family for being close and stopping by and just being near and loving me and my family. God is so good....ahhh, to just let that soak in feels so good. Oh, and I love kids in pj's after a love it, almost as much as I love getting a baby out of a crib in the am with that sleepy look clinging onto a blanket.....

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