I have the most amazing kids...
Samantha was a bit grumpy this morning...she was huffing and puffing left and right. When she got home from school today she said "Mommy, I am so sorry I was mean this morning, I was just grumpy" Wow, that sure did take a lot to say. Who does that? Who just out of the blue admits they are wrong. She is so grown up and so kind hearted. She also worked very hard on her homework and her rock collection project. I was so proud of her. I wish I could let her know how proud I am of her...I love her attitude and her sillyness. She is so good with her brothers.
Bo, you are so excited about the Halloween party. You handed out invitations today at school. You said it was the best day ever. You have planned it, planned and planned some more. You talked about it all during dinner and I could just see the wheels turning in your head...I put you in a sweat suit today and you said, cool I look like a rapper! What?
Baylen, you have been cutting teeth and you have let me know it. I think you have cried most of the day, but you still make me happy. As frustrating as it can get, you still warm my heart. It rained all day and you looked so cozy in your sweat pants and sweat shirt. You seem to feel better today and slept better too! You look absolutly adorable in your pjs. I love footy pjs that have pants and a top that snap together. It makes you look like you have high pants and then your little gut hangs over. I love that you look so cozy and that you will be warm all night.
Walker, you slept a lot today. right now I am on the sofa, and you are on the sofa next to be. Your head is resting on my left leg. Yes, this was all your idea, I did not force it. I love to hear you breath in and out. Your legs are crossed and you are happy and I am happy. I love love cuddling with you at night!
Yes, it was a good day. I still can't beleive how fast the days go by. It rained all day, my favorite in moderation, I love feeling cozy in my own house with no where to go or feeling rushed. Love it. Love just bouncing from room to room playing, cleaning, cooking, and doing it again and again!
Hope tomorrow will be as great as today...
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