Magazines that I love...Real Simple, Prevention, Health, Fitness and Good Housekeeping...incase you were wondering!
Had a fun summer weekend. Just got back from swimming with the kids for a early evening swim. Great feeling when you get the house clean and then go. Went and picked up Barberitos, made them so happy, it is the little things in life you know! Taught Bo how to play categories in the pool and Marco Polo and he loved it! So much fun being in with the kids and just playing. Bo lost his first tooth this weekend and he said, mom you are a genious, you told me to wiggle it and I did and it came out! Hope he always thinks his mom is a genious. I finished the book "Heaven is for Real" it was amazing. I love to read now, feel truley inspired by a good book. Started a book club with mom, starting Eat Pray and Love. Super excited. Sam got Baylen up this am and just played, she war really proud of herself, she had such a happy day! Bo did something amazing today too, he decided to go clean his room on his own and get on his bathing suit and a change of clothes and he even put his slippers by his bed. My sweet sweet babies! Bo made a really cool fort today and he and Sam are sleeping in it tonight as it storms, watching a movie on the laptop. I love my kids, my family, my dogs, my house, Athens....thank you God for my many blessings and please keep them coming!
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