As in
I am now truly balancing the balls in the air
and I do indeed love it
but....having a 10 year old in fifth grade that has some hormones already acting
A seven year old that is still struggling to read
A preschooler that thinks he runs this place (he really could)
and a infant
I would say
I have all the bases covered.....
I actually was pretty calm today as McRae was crying and wanting to I was trying to explain multiplying decimals to Bo was crying in the yard because Piper was eating his hat...and baylen was wanting me to put him in the fourth costume in five minutes.....I needed more hands...
Not to mention I had to go teach a yoga class in ten minutes
which was suppose to teach being caaaaaaallllllllllmmmmmmmm
But, it got done
and with a smile
Samantha agreed that she did not understand
and was not going to understand
and through the fit and tears
and arms crossed and huff and puffs
she calmed herself
and stopped
took a break
and agreed that this was something that we just needed to work on
she found her zin
and McRae did indeed get feed....and I even snuck his antibiotic in the bottle so he never knew....
and Piper let go of the hat...and Bo got over it really fast....and even started to like that she was the enemy...
And the costume on half way
and we were out the door....half dressed
but happy
So barefoot
and half Indian Jones and half batman
we made it
and class was great
and nobody would have ever known
what our hour consited of and what our morning was like....
which started as what I thought was and eight o clock orhto appt straint to back to school for sam straight to school for baylen and a 9 o clock appt for mcrae...which turned into a long ortho forgotten...a book forgotten...a few freak outs....hauling all three to McRaes appt due to time crunch...spending lots of time there and three prescriptions later....only to make sam miss over an hour of school versuse 40 minutes...and baylen about an hour.....
that again shows me...right when I have a really most likely won't work that way....
you got to give yourself wiggle room...lots of it
and when it does not work
keep calm and laugh it it really a big deal?
It was just to come home to dinner
play practice
bedtime books
and laughs
and some icecream
So, it is after nine...still one up
but he is laying on me
it was a great day
it was a great day because it did not go as planned
it was a great day because we are all okay
it was a great day because we stayed calm did not raise voices and smiled through it all
It is amazing that when you see life is hard...or difficult or not exactly what you planned...well that is life
We cant control that
what we can control is our reaction
I choose to not react
to take it in stride
and smile
and know one day I will miss working on fifth grade homework that never ends
and teach a seven year old to read
and I will miss looking at baylens face as he sleeps in our bed in the morning
and packing lunches
and reading bedtime stories
and rocking McRae to sleep feeding him a bottle
and humming a song
as he plays with his hair
and swirls it
One day I will miss stepping on legos
folding little clothes and sweeping up smooched goldfish
putting on little shoes
wiping snotty noses and brushing little teeth
wiping faces in a bubble bath
walking hand in hand into elementary schools
and reviewing homework and newsletters...going to their games...looking at what the kids made at preschool and hanging it up....
one day i will miss taking pictures of their sports...going to storytime.....
changing diapers...playing leggos and building big towers....
and cuddling watching cartoons
making breakfast...lunch and dinner...
listening to baylen talk with a lisp
seeing McRaes sweet innocent smile
girl to girl talks with with kids....footie pj's and how the kids say certain words
and Bo's excitement for everything he does and dances
I will miss all of it....and more
so for now...I am soaking it up
and not regretting a thing
not regretting when things did not go quite right...or just as planned
but knowing that this is life
doing it over and over again is what it is all about
I make a promise to myself everyday
I will live in each and every moment
good or bad
I will love the fits as much as the smiles
I will love the hustle as much as I love the chill time
I will love it is what it is all about
but the most important part I have to remember is not to look back too far
and be sad at what has past
or look to far ahead and get anxious about what is to come
but stay snug right where I am
and enjoy it
its sounds cliche' I know
but it is so true
and you can;t say it enough
I will look at my kids in the eyes when they talk to me...and be present in theri moment
even if it feels like each of them are only getting a fourth of one moment sometimes
it all evens out to a whole
and they all make me whole
that make me complete.....