baylen was very proud that he found the ring pops that were to go on the treasure chest cake....
Piper has amazed me this week how much she has looked and acted like Walker...her favorite place to be is on Peppers bed, just like walker liked....amazing
Enjoying the slip and slide that Pop Pop gave bo for his birthday !
baylen watching from the side line
Piper enjoyed drinking the water
Samantha is so sweet, she asked if she could take a big bubble bath and just relax...I brought her her favorite dinner,,,mac and cheese with a side of strawberries...dressed it up a bit in some fancy smancy glasses....
Bo had a fun pirate birthday party.....look for the cake and party decorations tomorrow on my crafty page

Not sure what this face is of Bo's many faces....

Samantha was a huge help and so was cousin Phoebe,,she loved being a leader....
can you tell they were all saying arghhhh

off on the treasure hunt....

Sam makes this face ALL THE TIME, so glad Carley captured will come back to haunt her one day
So sweet, daddy had Sam on the John Deere this weekend,,,she was AMAZING Drove that thing like a PRO

Love this face, she looks like she did when she was a little little her so much
baylen absolutly loves it when I vacuum...I think he wished I did it every day...He follows me and then goes and gets Bo's goofy hat everytime...not sure why? He gets upset when I put the vacuum up!

Dyed easter eggs today, Sam was VERY focused...Bo did two and he was over Sams excitement....she got to do his....

This was SOOO funny. Sam asked if she could earn a dollar for the book fair it she watched baylen for a little bit. I said sure. I looked out the window, and this is what I saw, she had taken her dress and put it one him and I heard her saying...okay "sarah" lets play. She had no idea I was watching...I took these through the screen....

then a few minutes later she came in, put him infront of her vanity and said, okay lets primp! He LOVED it....she asked me to take this was so funny, but Daddy would be so upset! SHHHH!
Enjoyed having my priorites all lined up today
Got it all it
Ate dinner on the front porch...perfect
No fights
No cries
No stress
Great day....
I am striving each day to....
Be A child of God
A good wife
A good mom
A good friend, sister and daughter
A good blogger
A good teacher
and good to myself....
It is a day to day goal....
Here are some pictures that I have been meaning to post of some things I have made for different events
Snacks I took to Bo's class on his birthday...they are fish in an ocean with a pirtate
Bo's treasure chest cake
Bo's pirtate ship cake
Treat bags in a treasure chest
Never did post these of Ryan the elf....hope you enjoy
'love crunch"
yummy popcorn with melted white chocolate and red and pink m'm's
made them for teachers for valentines day
Warmers we made for teachers for Valentines Day
Filled with rice
Yummy cookies
Sam made super hero valentines
Thanksgiving Placecards
Baylens First Birthday cake
Bo's coca Cola party cookies
Easter Cupcakes
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