So day two at the beach
not like we had planned
Bo had a 104 fever
so we hung out at the Wellness Clinic
and took care of that Strep Throat...
he was a trooper
Bo even gave me two of his stickers...
I have to say
in a mommy kind of way
I liked holding me boy
in my lap
like a baby
for an hour in the waiting room
where he just wanted to lay
and wanted to be still
and not move
it was nice
I know that sounds odd
got meds
and doing better
Here is the shirt I made last year
I wore it today
to think of her
Here is the birthday party we had for her
we had one here last year
Sam made her a crown and we had gotten her doggy popcorn
tonight we remembered all the fun birthdays
She would have been 64 today in people years
12 in doggy
as Baylen tried to enjoy his spaghetii
but said she feels like Riley can see us
and will always be here
Riley would have loved these St Patick B-day cookies
She finished it in 13 minutes
we are currently working on a 1000m piece one...
Fun day
looking forward to 75 degrees day three at the beach
God is good
I am thankful for
this beach house
crab soup
puppies that remind me of memories
an almost two year old that is so funny
a sweet almost nine year old that talks to me about everything
a sweet almost 6 year old,,, that will always be my little boy...
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