Baylen sure did enjoy that yogurt....

Yesterday at Intermural fields was absolutly perfect...Sam led the way...started the hike not pleased...not the black church shoes and cute outfit...she was determined that this was not going to be fun....but by the end she was smiling andhaving a blast...Never would believe that three days ago Walker was as sick as he was at the vet...he was more puppy like then EVER! He swam, jumped, trotted, and kept up with the kids...actually the kids had to keep up with him! Bo, of course was in a full knight outfit, I am not sure what he was battleing but he was talking to something the whole way through the woods....and Baylen, oh Baylen, you thought this was the coolest thing we have ever done....he actually ran! Loved to pick things up and throw them....we will most definitly make this a Sunday afternoon adventrue! :)

After school today BO went straight outside to "dig a hole in the yard that made a tunnel so he could have a really cool hideout" He got distracted when he found this worm....note, I love how dirty his hands are all the time! LOve it!
Walker and I enjoyed the afternoon as the kids dug, ziplined and chased.....
I love Baby feet

And hands
Bo got hot, and then we headed in....
Just to come back out after dinner....which was great...another thing we will be doing....a glass of wine in the front yard at dusk....after dinner, dishes done...ahhh now that was nice!
Samantha thinking Walker needed p'j's too.....
Great day....Perfect Day....right when I start thinking things could not get better and I will be sad when things change, I remember to live in the moment....we have done a lot of that lately!
Love you Bo Sam Rie Walk and Bay!
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