Thursday, June 30, 2011
Busy Busy Busy
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Good ole summer days as a stay at home mom
Any hoo, wanted to comment that I love summer time at home with the kids. We have been going to the library a lot, which Kevin thinks is "super cool", now that was sarcastic. Hey, the library totally rocks, free fun for all. And the kids love it! Today we went to a puppet show about Ber' Rabbit, so good. We also checked out new movies and books. Sam and I have been reading our seperate books on the front porch at night, so great! Tomorrow we will go to a magic being a library groupie! Yesterday we went to the kiddie show for a dollar and got candy and popcorn all for just 5 bucks! It was fun to come home and spent the afternoon with nothing to do but build with lego's, drink tea and get our crafts on! Dropped the kids at swim team and Baylen and I went through a stack of mail as he pushed a ball through the grass and I was able to look up every few minutes at Bo giving me a thumbs up after a lap in the pool! Bo, forgot to mention that yesterday he broke his nose while pitching a fit and running into the island in the middle of the kitchen....that boy is sweet as pie, but has a temper! Baylen is pointing at everything and loves his nap. He actually gets excited and laughs when he sees his pack n play and fan. Gotta love that. This morning was awesome hanging in the playhouse before it got really hot, just love being in the front yard and just being. Could see Riley's garden from the playhouse front stoop, we were all together while I read my devotion:
"Being content with your journey" Sometimes we do not focuse on the goal we have such a hurry up attitude of just getting there. Like our kids on a long trip! God is with us always, he wants up to pray to him and ask for help. Are you doing what your true passion is? What is that that you want to do on this earth. Are you doing what your purpose is? Satan is out there throwing road blocks all the time, it is our job to press on, looking forward, not worrying about mistakes we make or how long it takes to get there, but knowing it is a journey and God is right there with as along the way!"
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Summer Weekend

Magazines that I love...Real Simple, Prevention, Health, Fitness and Good Housekeeping...incase you were wondering!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Had fun picking blueberries with the family this am. Baylen ate more then he picked, Bo loved it and loved to squish them, Samantha not so much, she was so hot, hotter then in her whole life. So fun picking and eating and showing the kids what farming and healthy eating is all about!
Headed to the pool for late afternoon swim and dinner...maybe a little margaritta on the front porch after the kiddos go to bed. Walker loves chillin on the porch at night while hubby and I swing on the front porch swing and finally talk for the summertime
Oh and the ice cream cone I had this afternoon on the porch with the kids was amazing also! It is so cool how when you are finished there are no dishes! A mother dream...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Bo got his breakfast
Ahh, jittery joes coffee and a Friday with nothing to do but hang with the kiddos and Walker (and riley too) and find random things to do around the house....bliss!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What I love
Birds chirping in the morning while I am sitting in rileys garden with my coffee and morning devotion
Smelling the air after a summer rain
Being in my cozy house when it storms outside
Hugging Bo because he loves to hug and really hugs back
Listening to the kids make new discoveries and get really excited about things
Rubbing baby lotion on Baylens plump feet
Looking at the rolls of skin Baylen has on his wrists
Rocking Baylen to sleep with his bottle and soft music, just the two of us
Walker laying on my bed at night while I read
Listening to a fan to sleep
Cozy sheets at our beach house
When I make something that is truly yummy for dinner and everyone is delighted
When my mom and dad or sisters just drop by and visit
Going to Target
Watching my kids be kids and just play and then crash
Watching Bo did in the dirt and get dirty
Ice cream in an ice cream cone
Samantha rolling around the house on roller skates
Taking pictures and having one turn out really good
Feeling Riley near me
Date nights with my hubby
Just being at home not having to rush to go anywhere
The few minutes after a workout class when you feel oh so good
Eating healthy and liking it
Feeling God near me
Watching Walker and the kids at the beach and knowing Riley is there too
Family dinners
Bedtime routine having one on one time with each child
Fruity froo froo drinks
Organizing something
A clean house
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I love
Letter to my kids
Samantha, Zeppa, Pepper: I can not believe you are eight! You are spunky. You are careful and a rule follower. You want things to be fair, and will let us know when things are not fair or if someone is breaking a rule. You are sensitive and love things very deeply. You are full of energy and are bubbly. You can light up a room with your smile. You have smiling eyes too. You are shy, yet a leader. When you warm up you really shine. You are careful, yet like an adventure. I have never know someone to be so shy and cautious yet at the same time can be such a dare devil and go getter. I am so proud of how far you have come. You use to be so shy and scared to try new things, now you encourage your brothers that it will be okay and to get other there and just do it! You are an awesome soccer player, runner, bike rider and swimmer. You are definitly the competitor. You like to win, you like to win at everything. You are determined to give your best and play hard. You want everyone else to do the same. It is a bad scene when you do not win at something. You are also so creative. You are always coming up with neat crafts to do and new things to make out of just about anything. You dream up the neatest things, from recreating the zoo with popcicle sticks to molding things with clay. You love to pretend and still be a little girl with your Disney princesses, poly pockets, littlest pet shop and barbies. You love to dress up and roll around the house in your roller skates. You are a picky eater and know what you like. You are a big planner. You want everything the way you want it and you want to know the next step at all times. You love to plan for parties and be social. You love events with your friends, yet you love to be home too. You are so well adjusted and more then a could ever dream for in a daughter. You say the cutest things and are staring to do the most grown up things, like going into the library all alone and doing a long list of things that mommy asked for. You do have a temper and you can get so mad so fast. You are a force to be reckoned with! You worry, but try so hard not to. I picture you growing up being a party planner, organizer or an artist. You love to be busy go go go! I know the next few years will be so much fun as you grow and we do new things together, yet still do kid like things since you are so young at heart and have no desire to grow up too fast!
Bo Bo Bo: You are five. You are one special little boy. Today in the car I realized that you will be the class clown. You make everyone laugh, all the time. You are full of energy all day, and then crash. You have the sweetest heart of ANYONE that I know. You always say things like, I love you mommy, I just love you so much, you are so sweet to me, thank you thank you, and the list goes on and on. You love life, and appreciate every little moment of it. You smile all the time and are also so sensitive. You get your feelings hurt easily, you also love very deeply. You want to make everyone happy. You are always so kind and want to share everything that is given to you. You want to be with people and just be, yet you also are able to be so imaginitive in your play. You will play for hours and create the neatest things, I have never seen someone think like you do. You amaze me. You love to be outside. You would sleep out there if you could! You also love to eat, you are always hungry and will try and like just about everything, even though candy is your weakness. Even though you are the life of the party, you are very shy and inverted in new situations. You do the cutest thing with your mouth when you are nervous. You love to catch things, you catch frogs, lizards and crabs like it is nothing. You love to catch them to be your pet. You ask the neatest questions about animals and life in general. Your faith is so deep, you have taught be so much about what Jesus is all about. You are always thinking, your wheels just turn all the time! You are always climbing, dancing or just being silly. You laugh more then anyone I know. You are so cute and fun to be with, and give the best hugs. I see you being a vet, or and actor. Whatever you do you will be perfect at it. I look forward in watching you as you grow up be the hit of the party and the one that everyone wants to be around because you are just so fun and positive. I have a feeling that I will spend a many hours discussion with your teachers your zest for life and "having fun".
Baylen Bay Bay: You are one. Can't believe it. You are so smart. You are always trying to really figure things out. I can see your brain really thinking and wondering about everything you come in contact with. You are sweet, cuddly and so easy going. You love to be close to people and just take your time. You are so handsome and full of life and love. You are careful, yet not afraid. You love to climb, like your brother and love to eat. I see you being our brain of the family and being a doctor and taking care of us like we are taking care of you right now.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Bo news
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Beautiful day
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
summer fun
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Beach Fun
Blogging from the beach! I have had the best week ever, the only thing that could make it perfect is if Riley and Daddy were here! The weather has been beautiful, the kids are perfect and it has been fun being with mom and dad and Walker. I can not believe we have been here at the beach house for 10 days. Some things I love...
Baylens Blonde hair and his cool tan he is getting
Samantha on her Bike barefoot and in a bikini with her cute little self
Bo playing in the front yard with sticks and talking to himself
Walker surfing the waves and how he closes his eyes as he basks in the sun
Baylen sitting on the beach really focusing on the buckets and shovels and what he can do to make all of it work, you can see his little brain ticking!
Samantha working puzzles at the kitchen table.
Bo wanting to go to the pier to get his prize, he picked a devil head with worms this year and Sam got a bird in a bird cage.
Mom and dad loving Walker now.
Taking Riley to the beach and putting her ashes in three places to remember her,
Eating dinner each night as a family
Going to the beach in the am in the golf cart and riding our bikes to the pool in the afternoon
Bo and Sam collecting their pool bands on their arms each day and just walking up to the pool worker and they recognized them
Bo saying he use to know how to ride a bike but he lost his skills, Samantha doing 11 tricks on her bike and doing a bike show.
Baylen playing with Sam and Bo with a yelling game on the golf cart.
Going throught he DQ in the golf cart to get ice cream
Using our coupon book for fun stuff
Running with Baylen in the am while he drinks his bottle and I push the stroller
Going to the library and checking our books and movies
Chill time while Baylen naps with the kids, doing art work and resting together
the list could go on and on, but these are just a few of the things that I love about being at the beach. Samantha, you are so cute, I love you toothless smile and your personality. You are spunky, sweet and so smart. Bo, I love your creativity (you set you books up with figures with them) you always play alone and have something awesome cooked up! You are so cute and fun, and constantly "on". Baylen there is something about your sweet little smile that melts mommies heart. I wish I could just freeze you in time. You love just being. You are so sweet and I love you so much! I love your little toes and your little nose, and your big chubby thighs...