Tonight while working a puzzle with Baylen and Samantha I realized many things.....
I often get asked which two of your four are most alike...I would have to say hands down these two!
McRae may be a mixture of the two dominate personalities that make the two differ...anger and a remarkable ability to like things a certain is amazing to watch two of Gods most wonderful creations try to work a puzzle...when they both
a. like to be in charge
b. like things done there way
c. Are very impatient
d. Have a bit of a quick temper
It got me those two were battling it out over who puts the first piece in...last...which way the puzzle should face....yada yada yada....McRae aka Baby Godzilla on the table adding to the mix.....Bo just watched from the sofa....completely calm and just if he feels great satisfaction in the fact that he
a. could care less about being in charge he does he own thing no matter what
b. does not know if he is doing things his way or not...he just enjoys doing them
c. does not even know what impatient is....because is does not let anything get to him
d never seen a temper on him...if he is to get angry it last about 2.4 seconds
Don't get me wrong...I love all four of them 100% equally I just know them inside and out and enjoy thoroughly sitting back and watching their personality shine. It got me thinking...about how fun it would be to predict what they will be like when they are grown...and see how close I get!
Samantha you are a nurturer
I really do see you being a stay at home mom and a nanny before you have your own kids. I see you a lot like me and the thought of leaving your kids during the day is just not an option. You are so creative I see you doing something on the side at home...a work from home business either in with designing websites or in the teaching field of helping others. You will definitely do a lot of crafting on the side....weaving, knitting and just have to be sure you don't procrastinate and have too many things going at the same time! You may even be a counselor to help others going through what you have learned to cope with dealing with anxiety and depression.
best personality traits: caring, loving, forgiving
personality traits that are maybe not so spot on but make you you: procrastinator, quick tempered
I see you marring someone a lot like your daddy...who will take care of you and all your quirks (like me) You will have a house full of kids...and I fully expect you to call on mommy meme to come to the rescue daily....
You will dress in yoga pants and t-shirts like me...and dress up only when going out...which will be just sometimes.... :) and for church of course. You will continue looking like your daddy...and have smiling eyes....
Bo you are something I can not even dream of yet
I really know you will go big...I just hope it is local and not in New York. You have so many directions your bright mind will take you. Your only set back will being having too much fun! You will design..create and amaze many. What you have going for you the most is that you don't over think and so many do. So many get bogged down on details and you just let it flow. I see you being a head of a company doing only you know....and having a blast doing it...
I see you marrying a cute southern girl that wears her hair down literally. She will love you for you and have a good heart. I see yall having all girls and you getting them into sports big time. You will have lots of dogs and live in the country (close to us still of course) with big open fields to play baseball on the weekends.....and coach all your kids little league teams. You show everyone that it takes hard work to be good and that sometimes when it does not come natural you still learn so much from hard work and determination.
Your best personality traits are: easygoing..loving....funny yet mesmerizing
Your traits not maybe not so awesome but still awesome...thinking you can't
I see you dressing kinda sloppy but it always have a clean short cut but you are grizzly on the face always sporting the facial hair. I see you maybe never using an iron and always in flip may get a tatoo and that is okay...but it better be small and subtle . You will look more and more like my uncles and keep that Carley gene strong.
Baylen you are a force to be wrecked with
I see you being in charge of something. I also see people who work for you thinking you may be a little bossy and but love you anyway. Your wife with constantly remind you that things can be another way too and not just your way. Things come natural for your. Your sister and brother had to work way harder in school then you did. You never were into that spots thing but did it anyway. You looked most forward to snack time at the end. You were good in all the sports and you tried all the ones Bo did. You are a true athlete...but never did have that drive. Opposite of your are a natural yet not that into it therefore never did see full potential due to your love of sitting and watching instead. I picture you clean and crisp at all times. Your closet will be organized by color and texture of your polo shirts and pressed khakis. Very rare will we see you in jeans. You will have everyone fooled with your preppy look that is until you put on that hat with long locks sticking out that give you your edge.
Your best personality traits are your intelligence, cuddle ability and ability to lie
The last trait is also your area to work on along with your lack of patience
I do think like I mentioned above you will marry but you will not settle. I see you marrying last of all four...just waiting for that perfect time perfect place and perfect fit. You will have a set of twins. A boy and a girl. You are loyal and will not miss a beat...nothing can get past you and you will never be taken advantage of. You speak your mind which will be a good and bad thing at times. You will keep that longer hair to minimize the appearance of your receding hairline. You will have big blue eyes and continue to be the only one I look at and can almost see my won reflection
McRae a perfect blend
I really think you will be this little man trying so hard to be like your three older siblings and trying to be your own. I do see them all in you which makes you you. You look like Samantha so it will be like basically looking at your daddy. Your personality will be a combination of Bo trying so desperately to be laid back like the four child should be....yet that inner voice of Baylen will creep in as you do not like certain things certain ways are not exactly the most patient. Samantha will also flare at times with that you have a very short fuse. You will still win everyone over with that smile to fake everyone out that surely that cute sweet little face never could ever get frustrated or mad? You will have them all fooled. I see you right in the middle of them all. Not quite as laid back as your oldest brother in the business world but not nearly as obsessive as your other brother baylen. You will be more like Samantha is which you have to work hard for what you get where Baylen gets it natural without much effort. Bo on the other hand just takes it one step at a time not really knowing what is going on....just goes with it. I have not idea what to even think you will become. But I do know you will take all that you have soaked in living with three older siblings and just blend it together beautifully. I would like to say you will never marry so you will stay home with me...but I really don't mean that. You will find the perfect wife...that is a lot like your sister....but not too much or yall would clash. She helped raise you. I will get along with her most of all.
I see you dressing to the just will never be fond of sleeves and prefer no clothes at all. You hate to have your hair messed with...which will be the texture of Baylens but you will keep it shorter. You will have a jolly round face and blonde hair and always smiling...that is when you are not losing it! Which is short lived...but quite intense.....I think you will have a mixture of kids a girl and two boys.
Bo is the tallest...followed by Baylen and then McRae will ever so slightly beat Samantha....
Can't wait to see if my predictions are close.....