McRae either will not 100 percent don't care what you try to do will not wear shoes...or
110 percent will not go outside unless he is wearing shoes.....
he has quite the personality blooming
So far he is a true mixture of Samantha and McRae
I do not think there is another Bo out there
He is one of a kind...
the other three have nicley inherited my
OCD stubborn competitive personality
sorry guys
As for just gave him my dyslexic ways and he ran with it....
Here we have McRae on a no shoe day...determined to catch up with Bo and Baylen and shoot them
It is so funny when he hides under the can see little feet sticking out
Bo got to bring home Geroge the this tradition that teachers keep up....he quickly showed him his room and all his buddies
Wii game night...special treat
Family camp out....being silly
Number three and four are getting to be good buddies
All personalities truly shine out here....
So proud of Smantha and her determintaion. I love love love to watch her run. So excited she has that drive. I will promise not to get too crazy in the future when she runs more and more....I said too crazy
She looks so good running and I love to watch her
BO after his last game....request...Grind House for a burger....check! He ate it in about two bites
Dinner when daddy and Samantha are not home....
Bo got to fill in for someone at a baseball proud of him stepping up...things never phase him :)
Just a little note of how Bo's brain thinks....can't imagine being trapped in there....
Really enjoying making sticker stories with this little man.....he is loving it
Harvest Festival or Festibal as Bo says....was EPIC
making butter and and hay rides
Way to go Bo! Getting his trophy
This pic shows a little glimpse of what happiness this little boy brings me
Very excited....its the little things yall!
I am thankful for my daughter...she is my one and only
I feel so connected to her
I enjoy watching her grow into a young lady
with such a kind heart and sweet spirit
I love how she laughs
and is super silly
I love that she loves princesses...Chirstmas and family time
I love that she thinks like I just like I do
We get eachother
I love her
She is a soulmate for life
I am thankful for Bo
For our walks everymoring as the sun comes up
I could write a 100 page book everyday with our converstaion
I tresure is soooo much
For his quesions
How he stands
How he dreams....thinks and his willings to try just about anything
and everything and basically have not care or fear int he world
I am thankful for the time I get to spend with just Baylen everyday
To play memory...legos...draw or watch curious George
He loves to be cuddled and read to
I love his big eyes and huge dimple
I love that as whiny and impatient as he maybe
He is my biggest cuddler of all
He actually rubs my back when I hold him
and yes it melts me every time
I am thankful for my little miracle baby
I prayed for them all...
but this one truly was a gift I thought I may never get...
Thank you God
I love your bowl haricut
Your happiness
How you dance all the time
And how you are just so darn smart
You go and get anything and everything and understand things that blow my mind
I love that you still have little hands and little feet
You are the last one left
I love getting you out of a car seat
Putting you in a crib and lugging you on my hip.
I have the four most awesome kids I could ever dream of...
I enjoy every moment I am with you
You bring me more JOY then you will ever know