Baylen got my phone
and took a picture...
pretty cool to see what the kids see
Man I need to do something with my hair and pretend you see two hands on the wheel...
Baylens fav hang the window....with a barbie with a cheese stick
I think he as samantha might turn into cheese
and my only look alike
I absolutely love going to the playground with my is so much fun to watch the imagination they have....I want to just jump right in...but it is not as fun as it was when you were that age...
I have never in my life seen McRae soooooo red....
baylen made the preschool news letter....look at that smart boy working on a puzzle
First friday in Mrs Yawns class to dress up and paint up...that is not a is a cloth it
Telling McRae why it is not okay to have an orange and blue passy on game day
Nothing finer in the land..............................
Bo put on slippers....then baylen got them.....and then little dude just had to have them too
Reminds me of Baylen and Walker
IT may be sept 1st....but in Bos eyes...its ON!
NOt sure if it was halloween unveiling or baseball practice but this boy is passed out....on our bed....not a happy daddy...but oh well :)
Cousin fun!
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